Hello, I am Juan Caipo
hɛˈləʊ, aɪ æm Juan Caipo
My personal information and description maɪ ˈpɜːsnl ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃən ænd dɪsˈkrɪpʃən
4 My Dislikes
maɪ dɪsˈlaɪks
My family and friends
maɪ ˈfæmɪli ænd frɛndz
3 My Likes
maɪ laɪks
Order my room ɔːdə maɪ ruːm
2.Travel /ˈtrævl/
1.Watch movies
wɒʧ ˈmuːviz
6 Take pictures
/teɪk ˈpɪkʧəz/
- Eat /iːt /
Wash my clothes wɒʃ maɪ kləʊðz
Cold food kəʊld fuːd
Wake up early weɪk ʌp ˈɜːli
Work in a group wɜːk ɪn ə gruːp
I was born in Huamachuco city, fourteen, May of 1996 aɪ wɒz bɔːn ɪn Huamachuco ˈsɪti, ˈfɔːˈtiːn, meɪ ɒv 1996
I have : /aɪ hæv/
Short and black hair /ʃɔːt ænd blæk heə/
Round face /raʊnd feɪs/
Swarthy skin /ˈswɔːði skɪn/
Height is low /haɪt ɪz ləʊ/
Brow ayes /braʊ eɪz/
Straight nose /streɪt nəʊz/
My age: I am twenty - two years old. maɪ eɪʤ: aɪ æm ˈtwɛnti - tuːjɪəz əʊld
I am young /aɪ æm jʌŋ/
My surname is: Caipo Celestino
maɪ ˈsɜːneɪm ɪz: Caipo Celestino
I am an English student
aɪ æm ən ˈɪŋglɪʃ ˈstjuːdənt
May name is : Juan Jerson meɪ neɪm ɪz : Juan Jerson
They are my brothers, their names are:
ðeɪ ɑː maɪ ˈpeərənts, ðeə neɪmz ɑː
They are my nephews, their names are: Luiggina and Denzel
ðeɪ ɑː maɪ ˈnɛvjuz ðeə neɪmz ɑː
They are my friend, their names are:
ðeɪ ɑː maɪ frɛndz, ðeə neɪmz ɑː
They are my parents, their names are: Roman and Martha ðeɪ ɑː maɪ ˈpeərənts, ðeə neɪmz ɑː
- Listen to the music /ˈlɪsn tuː ðə ˈmjuːzɪk/
- Go out to the clubs gəʊ aʊt tuː ðə klʌbz
- Sleep all day sliːp ɔːl deɪ
pop, blues, rock and techno
pɒp, bluːz, rɒk ænd ˈtɛknəʊ
Game of thrones and The hunger games geɪm ɒv θrəʊnz ænd ðə ˈhʌŋgə geɪmz
To dance with my friends every weekend tuː dɑːns wɪð maɪ frɛndz ˈɛvri ˈwiːkˈɛnd
of landscapes and people and of special moments
ɒv ˈlænskeɪps ænd ˈpiːpl ænd ɒv ˈspɛʃəl ˈməʊmənts
To different cities: Huaraz, Lima, Ica
Fruits, vegetables and fried meats fruːts, ˈvɛʤtəb(ə)lz ænd fraɪd miːts
Jeiner and Marixa
Ronal and Carlos