Athena expressed to Zeus how bad she felt for Odysseus and how he needed to do more. Zeus sent Hermes to Calypso, the goddess who kept Odysseus captive for 9 years. When Hermes arrived to the island he was marveled by it's beauty and continued into the cave where Calypso was. She fed him and welcomed him and asked why he came all that way. He told her that Zeus had sent him to have Odysseus freed. From that, she defended herself but could not resist the power of Zeus, so she let him go. After Odysseus had made his raft, Calypso supplied him with food and a warm gust of wind for his travels. On the eighteenth day traveling at sea and making good progress, Poseidon saw him and got angry. The god of earthquakes and the sea threw death his way, making a huge wave fall upon him. he rose to the surface and made it out alive when Ino, an immortal of the sea's salt depths, saw him and gave him advice and an immortal scarf to tie around his waist. She dove back into the sea and Odysseus didn't plan on going to shore yet so he stayed on his craft. Soon another murderous wave came crashing down. He tied the scarf around his waist and dove into the water, making his way for shore, but the winds were too strong. Athena saw this and calmed the water so Odysseus could make it to shore. Unfortunately the shore was a sheer cliff and he was stuck in the sea. He prayed to the gods and they answered, giving him a calm path into a river. Once he reached land and gained some strength he continued into the forest and found an olive branch to sleep under. The bright eyed goddess Athena granted him sleep.