LAN Desgn, VLANs, Troubleshooting
Collision domains
Broadcast Domains
Campus LAN Topologies
Physical Standerds
Configuring VLAns
broken up by bridges / swithes
broken up by routers
becuase routers dont forward eythernet frames
boradcast domained created by configuration
switch port ascess vlan 2
switch forwarding access can't forward between vlans (even on same switch)
Two teir
Acess swithc layer
distribution switch layer
Three tire
additional core
saves on switch ports & cables in larger deisns
aggregates distribution swithces
Wireless LAN Standerds
wireless controllers
CAPAP - control and provisioning of wirleless access points (protocol)
a single switch can create multiple boradcast domains
ports in each vlan treated completly differently
reduced cpu ovrhead
multi switch vlans
vlan tagging
frames accocaited with set Vlan
forwarding frames between vlans on SAME swithc =
get both switches to connect to a router using trunk
show vlan brief
vlan 15
name name
switchport mode access / trunk
Vlan turnking protocol
VTP mode on / off
Types of trunking - ISO or ISEEE
POrt types
deynamic desiable
dynamic auto
show interfaces trunk / switchport