CBG Week3 9/17-9/21
Learning of Anna
D-com Division Meeting
First join division meeting to understand the outline
Observe the application of POS data
Observe the communication of 1111 promotion between marketing and sales functions
Understand new product plan in near future
Confirm my PC supporting work NOT PRICE ISSUE is my issue
Refresh eCommerce sales segment
Leila Lu: Yahoo CL, 小網
Lisa Kuo: 凱創, momo CL, 樂天
Zoe Chen: 基甸, Yahoo non-CL, 蝦皮, 生活市集
Jewel Liu: 基甸, momo non-CL, PChome
全能包裝公司 ALL
PC倉庫進出貨 Skype回覆
缺貨品項拉表給PC 詢問PM/TM
Content PC企劃窗口
Daily Work
Back Order 抓單
Command Lifestyle 曝光整理
缺貨料號查詢3M庫存 鎖貨?
追蹤PC下單情況: Child safety、HCD
Product Training
CHIM: Water, Child Safety
CHC: 5910, Mask, 克淋濕, FUTURO
SOSD: 1480-1490, Tape
David Orientation #2
時間軸: M-4~M Review,
M Present 執行, M~M+4 Plan
Strategic levels: PM Marketing Strategy,
TM Channel Strategy, Sales Selling Strategy
eCommerce sales composition: CHIM 70%,
CHC 7-8%, SOSD 7-8%, HCD 5%
Objective: $ (trying to find opportunity!)
Assign human resources according to business value chain