Lymphatic System -
Fluid in Lymph nodes and Lymphatic vessels
- Returns fluid to heart
- Helps large Molecules like Hormones and Lipids enter the blood
- Immune Surveillance
Proteins and Fluid seeping out from Capillaries
Interstitial Space
Lymphatic Capillaries
Lymph moves through Vessels, Trunks, Ducts
When pressure in Interstitial space higher, the lymph moves into capillaries. When lower, the capillaries are closed
No pump - Reacts to Arterial Pump and Muscles around
Has valves - to avoid back flow.
5 Trunks named after part of the body they drain from -> Right (from Right arm, head and chest) and Thorasic (from rest of the body) Lymphatic Ducts -> dumps Lymph into Vein
Immune Function
Deliver large molecules like Hormones that are too big to move through capillaries to blood stream
Lymphoid organs
Remove Foreign material from Lymph
to keep them away from blood
Diffused Lymphatic Tissue
Intestinal and respiratory tract
Lymph Nodes
Unfiltered Lymph from vessels
drains into Lymph Nodes
dendritic cells detect antigens
pass it to B cells (makes antibodies)
T cells
White Pulp - Filters blood
Red Pulp- Old Blood cells are destroyed
Keeps RBCs and Platelets available for emergency
Involved in development of T cells
Tonsils - Lymphoid tissue around the throat
Traps pathogens from air we inhale and food we eat