Cynefin Framework


Created by David Snowen

Cognitive edge

Welsh word that means HABITAT or PLACE

Means place of your multiple belongings

aware of all the influences

It is a sens making model

Oppose to a categorization Model

Data precedes the framework

Clsic 2x2 matrix

The Framework precedes the data

Good for explotation (not good for exploration)

better for exploration


Ordered systems



Complex systems

Chaotic systems

Disorder systems

Simple Domain

Relationship between cause & effect exists

Predictable & repeatable

DEcision model (sense - categorize - respond)

Apply best practices

Complicated domain

Rel: Cause & effect

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Not self evident

requires Expertise

DEcision model: sense analyse respond


Apply GOOD practices

Different from BEST

Many practices are legitimate

Complex Domain

Cause & effect only obvious in hindsight

Light constraints

Probe sense respond

Amplify responses if experiment works


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Conduct experiments not fail safe design

EMERGENT practices

They are unique or blend of Good & best

Chaotic environment

Space for innovation

If we are accidentally

First mission is to stabilize

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DEcision model

Act - sense -respond

All practices are NOVEL


Different domains different tools

no one size fits all


not Knowing which of the domains you are

you tend to adapt the environment you are more familiar with

Normally people are in this stage

Cynefin invites into making a judgement call

Limit between simple and chaotic

you start to oversimplify the world

believe that past success makes you invulnerable

you can fall over the edge in a Crisis


It is a decision framework

Analytical framework

For decision, IT desing

Cause and effects

Appropriate method for appropriate domain