The Aryans and a New Indian Society
The Aryan Peoples and the Vedas
Early Aryan Government, Society, and Religion
The Roots of the Caste System
Indo-Aryan Society and Economy
Hinduism: A New Religion of Diverse Roots
Moved in settlements; class system: warriors, priests, and commoners
Brought rich oral literature, unique ideas about gov., society and religion
Spoke Sanskrit
Vedas: books of knowledge, contain Aryan religious beliefs, literature, and philosophy
Raja = autocratic male leader
Family structure patriarchal; joint family = wives of sons move into one giant family home
Military Conflicts = early Aryan Political and Social Structure
Fond of music, gambling, wine; music involved in religion
Aryan Expansion and State Building in North India
Adopted systems of farming, village structure, religious and mixed languages and social system.
Eventually move to Ganges Valley
Kings didn't have unlimited power, had councils of warriors; never had unfied government
New Social Structure: 1.brahmans (priests) 2. kshatriyas ( warriors and land owners) 3. vaisyas (merchants and artisans) 4. sudras (manual laberors, poor)
varna- lighter skinned dominated
4 class division hierarchy is Caste System
pariahs- untouchables, below caste system
Reincarnation unique to Indians
Literature insisted that people do their duty, be loyalty, self-sacrifice, devotion etc.
Matriarchal and Matrimonial traditions persisted for centuries
Tech developed from local and foreign; they used iron, and started to emphasize wheat and barley in farming
Hindu beliefs one of most rich and complex in world