Jazz- Negative impacts on her hauora
Spiritual Wellbeing
Emotional/ Mental Wellbeing
Social Wellbeing
Physical Wellbeing
The medication Jazz is taking to stop male puberty and to kick start female puberty, could have side effects that can affect her physical state.
Loss of weight
Becoming Weak
Pressured- being such a role model as a transgender
Uncomfortable around boys
Uncomfortable with her body since she has Male parts
Lost- Identity issues
Non- Acceptance/ Denial/ doubt
Loss of sleep
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Lose confidence in self
Dispute due to religious beliefs
No believing shes a girl
Damage relationship with self
Might not fully developed as a female
Unable to reproduce- unless impregnates a woman like men do.
Fewer interactions and fewer friends since she's different
could be bullied for being girly since shes a biological male
struggle with romantic/sexual relationships in the future