King Tut and the Great Pharaohs of Egypt-Field Trip TIME!!!


  1. Giza is located just outside what Ancient City?
  1. How many blocks were used building the pyramids?
  1. When did construction begin on the pyramids?
  1. What is a Necropolis? Why are the Pyramids referred to that way?
  1. List two purposes of the pyramids.
  1. What materials were used in building the pyramids?
  1. How many years did it take to build them?
  1. Who is Howard Carter (google)

Virtual Tour of the Great Pyramids.

The queen room looks like a house shaped

There was a well shaft is where u get into the pyramid

in the queen room they would study stars

people thought the bottom was a tomb

They had ventilate shafts

at the bottom of the passage where the soals went

The plugs weighed 15 tones

There is a passage that goes hundreds of feet down

in the gallery the height. of the room is 25 to 28 feet tall

They had to drop his tomb in the top of the pyramid

Mummy Maker

They cut out the brain

if they don't prepare the body it will rot

The organs will be bared

They had to prepare the body for the tomb

They keep the heart and keep it inside of them

Ramses II

His older brother died when Ramses was around 14 years old

Ramses died in 1213 BC

At the age of fifteen Ramses was the Prince of Egypt.

Ramses grew up in the royal court of Egypt

He also got married to his two main wives.

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4,500 years ago

a cemetery, especially a large one belonging to an ancient city.

built as tombs for the pharaohs and to leave a legacy of their power.

Pyramids were primarily built with limestone.

was a British archaeologist and Egyptologist who became world-famous after discovering the intact tomb

Darius I and the Rise of Persia

  1. Darius I was a great ruler that united his country into a major empire.
  1. Darius I was defeated at the Battle of Marathon by the Athenian Army.
  1. Darius I is an important figure in a biblical story

walk like an Egyptian

  1. The political order of Egypt around 3200 BC was based on wealthy farmers who emerged as leaders.
  1. The factor contributed most to the growth of trade in the New Kingdom on Egypt's conquest of distant lands.
  1. Memphis was the capital of Egypt from 2950 BC to 2180 BC. Some historians estimate that, during its peak, Memphis was the largest city in the world

King Tut and the Great Pharaohs of Egypt

. The Great Sphinx and Stonehenge are similar due to both being megaliths and it is one of the largest stone sculptures in the world.

  1. The Great Sphinx guards the Great Pyramid and is a human head on a lion's body.
  1. King Tut's tomb is in the Valley of the Kings near Luxor, Egypt. This was where the Pharaohs and powerful nobles were buried for around 500 years during the history of Ancient Egypt.
  1. Egyptians believed the dead enjoyed such materials in the afterlife such as King Tut's tomb actually having board games in it.
  1. While King Tut is the most well known of the Pharaohs, Ramses II was the greatest pharaoh of ancient Egypt

largest stone sculptures in the world

great pyramid human head

valley of kings luxor

tut's tomb board games

Ramses ll ancient egypt

Wealthy farmers leaders egypt

New kingdom distant lands

Memphis capital large city

great rulermajor empire

battle of marathon Athenian

biblical story Darius