Walking improved again. Squat to full depth bearing weight mostly through R leg. SLS no pain L side, however valgus motion by L leg (loss of glue control?) Rx Box Squats 2 x 25 @ BW + 1 x 25 holding 5 kg plate, hip thruster with 12.5kg bar x 10 kg, 2 x 10 20kg, DL calf raise 20 kg bar 1 x10, + 10kg 2 x10, GHD back extension 3 x 10, Bosu balance work in DL stance (squatting, coming onto toes, rolling around, forwards/backwards, catching + throwing and doing maths problems) 4 x ~2mins,reformer calf raises. SLS and DL squat slight improvements in depth and control post exercise nil pain. Next begin jumping on reformer