King Tut and The Great Pharohs of Egypt Field Trip TIME!!!

Mummy maker game-5 results

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Giza is located just outside what Ancient City?

  1. How many blocks were used building the pyramids?
  1. How many years did it take to build them?
  1. When did construction begin on the pyramids?
  1. What is a Necropolis? Why are the Pyramids referred to that way?
  1. List two purposes of the pyramids.
  1. What materials were used in building the pyramids?





A cemetery, because they are very old like the people in the cemetery.

low grade limetones, and pink granite

Who is Howard Carter

Howard Carter was a british archaeologist and Egyptologist who became world-famous after discovering the intact tomb.

Watch the Virtual Tour of the Great Pyramids. On your Coggle, describe 10 interesting things you saw.

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the 26 degree angle was pointed toward the dragon star

the granite plugs were for people not to go upward to the grand galaway

it was built at a 26 degree angle and only one quarter of an inch off and its over 300 ft

the well shaft was dugg from below not above the builders escaped through here.

the well shaft is built after all the other pyramid was.

The queens chamber was built as an apartment for the preast to look at the stars.

at the base of the pyramid they say that evil souls would go to repay their sins.

ventalation shafts are sometimes all the way through the pramid and sometimes not

The passage way goes down hundreds of feet at a 26 degree angle

the kings ventalation shafts were all the way through and the regular ventalations shafts did not go all the way through to pyramid.

his soul and body reunited

the soul and the body will enter paradise

He has been judged a good man

Kha said i did good but he notices some errors.

Ramoses's soul in the guise of a human-headed bird.

Examine Ramses II and list his top 5 accomplishments on your coggle.

He built a new capital city of Egypt called Pi-Ramses

He was crowned the pharaoh of egypt in 1279BC

Grew up in the royal court, he was named after his grandfather.

Ramses II led the Egyptian Army against several enemies including the Hittites, Syrians, Libans, and Nubians.

The Mortuary Temple of Ramses II is famous for his giant statue.

They stand as a testament to the engineering accomplishments of civilizations past. To take a journey through time.

King tut movie

His danceing is like the egyptians dance or pose in pictures.

their outfits

they had a mummy box

he said king tut

moved to a condo made of stone(a)