the approach that guides the design of my workshop (the educational perspectives/philosophies are that inform my pedagogy)
Educational Perspective: Constructivism
Pedagogy: PBL, Constructivism & Inquiry
-Short & Burke: curriculum as activity & inquiry (Serafini, 2001, p. 384)
-Assessment as inquiry (Serafini, pg. 385): "It is a process of inquiry, and a process of interpretation, used to promote reflection concerning student's understandings, attitudes, and literate abilities. "
-"The purpose of the assessments is a deeper understanding of individual learners in their specific learning contexts." (p. 387)
Audience is: teachers, students, parents and school community
Goal is student self-awareness as learner: reflection and self-evaluation, goal setting (Serafini, p. 387)
"In this paradigm, classroom instruction does not stop in order to assess learning. Assessment is viewed as part of the learning process, not as separate from it" (Serafini, p. 388).