T-OCD, Chapter 8
what does my OCD look like?
Jo Derisley


deciding where to start

making an action plan WS 8.3

OCD ladder, rating 8-10 compulsions 1-10
ws 8.2, based on diary

review what you've learned and discuss with a parent

what does my OCD look like

ocd diary, worksheet 8.1

๐Ÿ“Š OCD Diary, 8.1.

๐Ÿ“Š building OCD ladder





OCD Action plan w 8.3

OCD ladder, w 8.2.

OCD Diary w 8.1.

record for about a week

sometimes compulsions like a habbit

click to edit


what didOCd make you do?

for how long ?

๐Ÿ“Š diary w 8.1.

๐Ÿ“Š w 8.2. if anxiety is difficult to rate :

if too compulsions are too big or difficult help to chunk it down , i.e. just bedtime routines, or morning routines

watch out for compulsions which are like habits and help identify them

encourage child comepleting diary until it captures all their difficulties

you might find the irritating ,but different fro your child

encourage child to find all compulsions

worry that there might be too many , help them chunk- see below

child might find t anxiety provoking to write them alldow

compulsions can be like habbits

in preparation for E-RP exercise

pick between 8 and 10 compulsions

hyrarchie of OCD compulsions

ladder needs to remain updated

building on anxiety scale chapter 7

easy to difficult compulsion

if not sure of anxiety level make a guess

if two task the same anxiey, rate which one would be more difficult

no problem if lots of tasks not on the list

starting and action plan, points to consider

if choosing different one, i.e. one that takes most time, OK as long as no higher than 4 or 5 on anxiety scale

bottom of the ladder first

important to refelct on what you've leaned


more likely to be successful

lerning the skill of E-RP

๐Ÿ“Šmaking an action plan

why this compulsion?

which compulsion chosen

how would life be better if you did not have this compulsion

what difficulties mght come up?

? most thing you've learned

How could I overccome them ?

Ask: of of A and B which one is more anxiety provoking

write them all on a piece of paper and move around

if same anxiety, which one talkes more time?