The creatures of this world are all relatively the same size, though of course some are smaller or bigger.
They are all part of the Mustelid family, which are;
Weasels, Otters, Badgers, Stoats, Ferrets, Polecats, along with many others
All Mustelid creatures are anthropomorphic.
All other creatures, not part of the Mustelid Family, are not anthropomorphic, so birds, rodents, and fish (among all others) are the size they would normally be, and are acceptable to be eaten by the anthro creatures.
These creatures live at the very tops of the mountains of the west, and are one reason why the mountain range is mainly unexplored for they are very violent.
Easinrs are giant eagle like creatures that have sharp, blade like feathers that protect their soft scales beneath. The males have incredibly bright scales that show from beneath their translucent feathers, unlike the females, who have dull colored feathers that cover their translucent scales. The reason the females have translucent scales is so they can look into their body to see if they have children growing inside.
Dragons are incredibly large, and difficult to kill since it is impossible to kill them from hitting their skin from the outside. Because of this, adventurers who try and kill a dragon are usually killed before they manage to find a way inside the dragon, which may be harder than it sounds for the reasons that dragons are not willing to eat anything but rocks, for the moment flesh touches their tongue, it burns to a crisp and they don't have anything to eat. So they eat things such as types of rocks, like coal or perhaps they could eat magic items, that are immune to fire to fill the aching hunger they have.
For the reason of not being able to eat anything that will give them what they need, many dragons do not find a way to survive for their whole life, instead they die at a very young age of starvation.
Wolves are a very common predators to Mustelids, they often attack smaller villages, and are most commonly found in the north and east forests and plains.