Comparing them one for one is difficult because they play different styles in different eras under different rules. ’d pick Jordan if they played one-on-one, but there’s a great argument for James, too, because they were/are both great players who can do at least a little bit of everything on the floor. If we’re trying to determine the most talented player of all time, I doubt either of them is the choice. That’s probably Wilt Chamberlain. He averaged 50 points per game for a full season after all, and he was indisputably a world-class athlete. He was big enough and talented enough he could still be a star today. Regardless, I’m not getting hung up on this aspect of the debate because plenty of times I have seen a consensus gather around one player or team being physically superior only to see them lose. Some things we just can’t know unless we see them, and we’ll never see this battle play out, so it will always be a matter of opinion. That said, Jordan became regarded as the greatest player in league history not solely because of his physical ability. Jordan was placed atop the mountain because of his dominance of the league both individually and through his team. He became No. 1 not just because he had great stats but also because he was 6-0 in the Finals. That’s why 6-0 in the Finals remains the measuring stick and always will be.