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EDEL/EDRD 300 (Destiny Wilson) (Teaching (Classroom Management - details…
EDEL/EDRD 300 (Destiny Wilson)
Elementary Classroom
Rules - I would keep the positive rules up for the whole class to see at all times, in case the students' need to remind themselves.
Word Wall - I think this is a great way for the students to see all of the letters and some sight words. It also allows them to see how to spell classmates' names.
Circle Groups - sitting in a circle while the teacher was reading to us.
IRA's - A lot of times when I picture IRA's, I picture the class sitting in a circle to allow for group discussion.
Rows of Desks - most of the classrooms I was in growing up had rows of desks
Classroom Management - Elementary classrooms have management involved. The teachers need to know the difference between management and discipline. (also connects to teaching)
The Principles of Human behavior
Fred Jones - Interior Loop - I included this under the Elementary Classroom because it is a way that desks could be arranged
Flexible Seating - this is also a way seating could be in the elementary classroom
Literacy Play Centers
Big Halls - there were a lot of big halls too
Big Building - the school was also a big building
Nice Playgrounds
Stairs - the school I went to growing up had stairs
Labeling Classroom Items (authentic experiences) - I put this under school because the school could label things all over. They could label everything in the hallways for students that age and even the bathroom.
Restorative Justice Theory - this is under school because schools can use this theory to become a better school and a more welcoming environment.
Different Levels of Knowledge - students come in with different levels of knowledge (how well they can read, write, etc.)
Assessments - a way to determine a child's level of knowledge is through assessment
Formative - this is assessing a child's progress (informal)
Summative - this assesses what a child has learned (formal)
Running Records - this assesses a child's knowledge level of reading
Multi-cultural - there are many different cultures
Community - the students (as well as the teacher) create a community in the classroom
Danger of a single story - Students sometimes are seen as a single story when viewed at from their peers and teachers. We need to remember that the students' aren't just poor or African American or intelligent, but that they're so many things in one. We need to remember that there's a lot that goes into making a person.
Interest Inventories - this is a way to get to know your students
Comprehension - the students need to have a good understanding of comprehension and actually be able to comprehend what they are learning or reading. This is a great skill to have throughout life and to help further them in their schooling.
The Choice Theory- describes why a child might act a certain way that they do.
5 basic needs- these are the main needs that a child could be striving to meet, which may be why they are misbehaving
Slice of Life - This is under students because a slice of life is a moment from the student's life.
Writing Instruction - this is under Slice of Life because Slice of Life is a part of writing instruction.
Genre Immersion - this is under slice of life because slice of life is what we're focusing on right now for our writing lessons. The genre immersion was a lot harder for me at first than most lessons. It's hard to think about sometimes because when you read a book, I feel like it's instinct to try to check for understanding. In genre immersion, we're reading the book not for understanding of the story, but for noticing things the writer does.
Brainstorming - this is under slice of life for the same reason genre immersion is. Brainstorming really let me get to know the students a lot better. It also gave me a sort of insight into their story telling abilities, at least in words. The children are really excited for this story.
Social Cognitive Theory - this is under students because this is a way students learn (observational learning). Students can learn by watching one another.
Sharing - teaching is sharing knowledge
Literacy orientations - This explained basically what kind of teacher I will be. The options were Traditional, Eclectic, and Constructivist. My score told me that I was a Traditional teacher.
Circles - sometimes teaching is better when the class or groups are in circles
IRA - Since this is interactive, I think having the class in a circle or half-circle is good. They can discuss things as a whole group and see each other and me.
Classroom Management - details underneath Elementary Classroom
The Principles of Human Behavior - understanding why humans do the things they do allows to better manage the classroom
Promotion and Preventative Strategies - I put this under classroom management because it's managing problems before they even happen.
Teaching Rules and Routines - I put this underneath classroom management, underneath teaching because you have to teach the children these rules and routines. Teaching this will help with classroom management and keep the classroom less chaotic.
Up front of the class - teachers in my past have been in the front of the class teaching for the most part
The "Big Five" - I feel like a good teacher should know the "Big Five" and how to use them appropriately. The teacher should also have them planned.
"with-it-ness" - Although, "with-it-ness" isn't apart of the "Big Five" I do believe that they go with each other. This also goes under teaching because it is a big component to teaching.
KWL - I think this is a really good way to get the children's thoughts down on paper and for them to sort them out. It is also great for the teacher, so the teacher can see where all of the students are at.
Phonological Awareness - this is a big component to teaching (especially the younger grades).
Phoneme - The sound you say in a word
Grapheme - the visual representation of a phoneme
Writing an Objective - I put this under teaching because it is an important aspect in teaching a lesson.
Writing a lesson plan - This is under objective because you need an objective for a lesson. This is also under teaching, because you need a lesson to teach.
Social Cognitive Theory - this is under teaching because students observe what you do when you're teaching like thinking aloud.
Whole Brain Teaching - I put this under teaching because it is a way of teaching.
I think that it works for some things like the parts of writing a letter, but it might not work for other things like remembering definitions.
Do they understand the definitions that they are saying or are they just repeating them?
EDEL/EDRD 300 Final Synthesis
Comprehension - the students need to have a good understanding of comprehension and actually be able to comprehend what they are learning or reading. This is a great skill to have throughout life and to help further them in their schooling.
Different Levels of Knowledge - students come in with different levels of knowledge (how well they can read, write, etc.)
Assessments - a way to determine a child's level of knowledge is through assessment. I will use running records.
Each student will have a different need in literacy, so I will have students near others with similar needs as well as others with different needs so that the students can help each other.
The Choice Theory- describes why a child might act a certain way that they do. So, this is underneath students because it can help a teacher to understand her students and why they might act out.
Slice of Life - This is under students because a slice of life is a moment from the student's life. It also allows the teacher to see more into his or her's students' lives.
Writing Instruction - this is under Slice of Life because Slice of Life is a part of writing instruction.
Brainstorming - this is under writing instruction because it is an important part of writing. Brainstorming really let me get to know the students a lot better. It also gave me a sort of insight into their story telling abilities, at least in words.
Genre Immersion - this is under slice of life because it's an important part to get the children thinking about how to think like a writer. The genre immersion was a lot harder for me at first than most lessons. It's hard to think about sometimes because when you read a book, I feel like it's instinct to try to check for understanding. In genre immersion, we're reading the book not for understanding of the story, but for noticing things the writer does.
Social Cognitive Theory - this is under students because this is a way students learn (observational learning). Students can learn by watching one another. It is an important theory because observing is how a lot of people learn and it's how babies learn when they're still trying to figure the world out. (This also connects to teaching)
Six Modes of Language Arts - I will actively use these in my classroom to help my students learn. Each mode is equally important and can be used together.
Social Cognitive Theory - this is under teaching because students observe what you do when you're teaching such as thinking aloud. Thinking aloud is important because it lets the students understand processes better.
Phonological Awareness - this is a big component to teaching (especially the younger grades).
Teaching Rules and Routines - I put this underneath teaching because you have to teach the children these rules and routines. Teaching this will help with classroom management and keep the classroom less chaotic. (This can also connect to rules; remember to keep them positive)
Promotion and Preventative Strategies - This is under teaching because it is important to know these strategies. It also connects to classroom management because it's preventing some problems before they happen.
The Principles of Human Behavior - understanding why humans do the things they do allows to better manage the classroom. (This can also connect to classroom management)
Literacy orientations - This explained basically what kind of teacher I will be. The options were Traditional, Eclectic, and Constructivist. My score told me that I was a Traditional teacher. At first, I thought that a traditional teacher had a bad connotation, but now I think it is okay to be more traditional as long as I still have an open mind. It is also important to realize when I am being more traditional so I can realize if there is a better way to do some things.
The "Big Five" - I feel like a good teacher should know the "Big Five" and how to use them appropriately. The teacher should also have them planned.
"with-it-ness" - Although, "with-it-ness" isn't apart of the "Big Five" I do believe that they go with each other because "with-it-ness" will help a teacher implement the "Big Five". This also goes under teaching because it is a big component to teaching.
KWL - I think this is a really good way to get the children's thoughts down on paper and for them to sort them out. It is also great for the teacher, so the teacher can see where all of the students are at.
Circles - sometimes teaching is better when the class or groups are in circles. This is also good for discussions. (This is also connected to classroom/schools)
IRA - Since this is interactive, I think having the class in a circle or half-circle is good. They can discuss things as a whole group and see each other and me.
Writing an Objective - I put this under teaching because it is an important aspect of teaching a lesson. It's hard to teach a lesson without at least one objective in mind.
Writing a lesson plan - This is under objective because you need an objective for a lesson. This is also under teaching, because you need a lesson to teach.
Whole Brain Teaching - I put this under teaching because it is a way of teaching.
I think that it works for some things like the parts of writing a letter, but it might not work for other things like remembering definitions.
When this is being used for remembering definitions, do they understand the definitions that they are saying or are they just repeating them?
Classroom and School
Circle Groups - sitting in a circle while the teacher was reading to us. This was one of the very first items that I put on my original conceptual framework. These groups are good for class discussions.
Rows of Desks - This is a very common way to arrange desks. I don't think this arrangement is particularly good, because it's hard for students to have class discussions and to see everything.
Flexible Seating - this is also a way seating could be in the elementary classroom. I think flexible seating is good, especially in classrooms that involve the students to move around a lot, such as Daily 5. This is the type of seating I would like in my future classroom.
Fred Jones - Interior Loop - I included this under the Elementary Classroom because it is a way that desks could be arranged. This can be a good seating arrangement if you need something that allows you and the students to be more mobile.
Rules - I would keep the positive rules up for the whole class to see at all times, in case the students' need to remind themselves. This will be created with the students, but I will have some rules written down as back-up or to add.
In order to reward a student for following rules, I will privately tell them that I saw them following the rules and let them know that I appreciate it. Then, I will write on the board (most likely a specific one that I use for this reason) what rule I observed that was being followed. I won't use any names or say anything, but other students can see it and be reminded.
If a student is not following rules or behaving, I will privately let them know that I am not liking their behavior. I will ensure that they know I'm talking about the behavior and not just the student. Then, I will give the student a chance to explain themselves. Afterwards, I will let whatever natural consequences happen and the student will have to accept them.
Word Wall - I think this is a great way for the students to see all of the letters and some sight words. It also allows them to see how to spell classmates' names. I think this is especially important in the earlier grades.
Classroom Management - Elementary classrooms have management involved. It is important for teachers to know the difference between management and discipline. Classroom management doesn't always have to be negative, but discipline normally is.
Labeling Classroom Items (authentic experiences) - I put this under school and the classroom because the school and the classroom teacher could label things all over. They could label everything in the hallways for students that age and even the bathroom. This will be extra helpful for students still learning to read and write whether they are in early elementary or are English Language Learners.
Restorative Justice Theory - this is under school because schools can use this theory to become a better school and create a more welcoming environment. It's important for schools to have a welcoming environment so that the students enjoy coming every day.