5 Themes of Geography


Location describes where a specific area is on the earth's surface. Relative location and absolute location are the 2 forms of measurement that describes location. Relative location describes an area that lies close to the specific area you are trying to find, which can help locate it. Absolute location, meanwhile, is where the area is located. It involves longitude and latitude, the 2 line forms that describe the location of the area.





For example, a description of the relative location of the Great Pyramids of Giza is that it is near Cairo, Egypt. The absolute location meanwhile, is at 29N latitude and 31E longitude. So the location is 29N, 31E


A place is defined in their human and physical characteristics. Human characteristics of a place include things such as religions, languages and ethnics. Physical characteristics on the other hand include land forms, climate, as well as plant and animal species.

Interaction describes the relations between humans and earth's environment. People interact with the environment in viscous ways. We have polluted the earth, most of the time from factories and power plants that emit dangerous chemicals to the earth, poisoning animals and plants around the world. Ultimately, the environment has been fighting back. Our actions have caused temperatures to increase drastically, leading to ice cap melting, which can affect Polar Bears' habitat and also lead to rising sea levels. It can also cause more severe weather and dangerous heat.

A region is an area of the earth that contains smaller areas inside that have at least one thing in common with another.

Movement describes how living things, goods, and ideas change location around the world.

For example, a man migrates from Germany to the United States at age 20. At age 25, he becomes CEO of a produce company, and starts exporting apples to the African country of Lesotho, helping the millions of people living in poverty. As this continued, he made a worldwide impact and has spread ideas to other farmers.




For example, if 2 countries that border each other have the same climate, then they are both part of the same region.


for example, if a highly industrialized country releases 15 tons of pollutants to the earth's atmosphere, then all of that can cause greater heat waves and storms.


Ahmad, Iftikhar. World Cultures a Global Mosaic. Prentice-Hall, 1993.

For example, London has human characteristics in their population's religions, languages and ethnics. They also have physical characteristics in their location next to the river Thames, their very wet weather, as well as their plant and animal species.
