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Deep Water Horizon Macondo Oil Well Disaster 2010 (The System (Well and…
ReferencesBerk, J 2009, Chapter 1: Systems Failure Analysis Introduction, in Systems Failure Analysis, pp. 1-9,
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The Deep Water Horizon was an offshore drilling rig owned and operated by Transocean. Transocean had been contracted by BP Exploration & Production Inc. (BP) to drill an exploratory well on BP’s Macondo holding in the Central Gulf of Mexico. On the night of April 20, 2010, with the drilling completed, the Deep Water Horizon was preparing to disengage and temporarily abandon the well. During the process of preparing to disengage large quantities of oil and gas began escaping the well through the drill pipe. Large quantities of methane condensed on the deck of drilling rig before igniting. This resulted in and a large explosion, leading to the loss of 11 lives and physical injury to 17 others. The drilling rig itself was eventually consumed by fire and lost. Oil continued to flow from the damaged well causing an environmental incident of national significance.
'Complex systems fail in complex ways, a reality exacerbated by the business need to operate complex systems on the very edge of failure.'(Heslin, K 2015)