male reproductive system

Overview of the anatomy and physiology of the male reproductive system

The testes are 2 ovoid glands formed during embryonic stage .Its where the spermatozoa and sex hormones are produced.they are enclosed in a scrotum(JUTAS manual surical and medical nursing 2nd edition )

Prostate gland is a gland surrounding neck of the bladder in males .prostate secretes a thin alkaline substance that forms part of seminal fluid

Male urethra(20 cm long) is a narrow fibromuscular tube that conducts urine and semen from the bladder and ejaculatory ducts (Dixson ,A F 2009 sexual selection and the origins of human mating systems .Oxford University )

Penis is an external male intromittent organ that serves as the urinal duct and for copulation (Richard E jones 28 september2013 .human reproductive biology )

Risk factors for the disorders of the male reproductive system

Disorders of the penis -poor muscle tone ,age and alcohol and drug abuse

Testicular disorder-prematuriity ,age,family history,mumps,infections,inflammation,exogenous oestrogen

Prostate gland -age ,hormone levels ,race ,diet ,alcohol intak e,occupationnal and environmental exposure,sexual transmitted diseases and perinial trauma

Classification of the disorders

testes and scrotum-cyptorchidism,testicular torsion,varicocele,spermatocele,epididymitis,testicular cancer,orchitis

prostate gland-prostatitis,benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer

Assessment and common findings

Patterns of micturition-difficulty in voiding ,reduced urine stream.frequency ,composition and characteristics

Testes-the nurse should ask if the patient has noticed the ff;change in size of the testes,filling of the scrotum ,pain,and tension in the scrotum

Sexual functioning -the nurse should assess for ;chronic illnesses ,age,stress levels,alcohol consumption ,medication ,libido,dyspareunia,unusual discharge

Penis -the nurse inspect for the presence of the urinary meatus .If uncircumcised ,foreskin must retract easily

Scrotum-the nurse should examine for texture ,rugae,size,symmetry,and presence of both testes

Testes-the nurse should examine for masses ,swelling and immobility

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