
romance novels

Love and Marriage (altered book)

Dirt book
Golden, Rory (altered book,
pages of romance novels)

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"Artist, Golden cases pages of paperback romance novels between two pieces of mulberry paper. He then hand stiches all three 'pages' together at the left side. The bottom edge is stiched as well but not always in the same way. Sometimes the front sheets to the text page, sometimes the text sheet to the back sheet and sometimes none are stiched together. This design forces the reader to handle the book in more than normal turn-the-page fashion. The reader has to work to find the text, the hidden messages, to get to the dirt. Or is it to get a peek at those feelings we are afraid to reveal? "Do not --- leave me" -- vampandtramp.com/finepress.

multi-generational experiences (especially women's)

personal / life-writing

Baldwin, Katie / jiffy-pop

AIDS / 80s-90s

self-published women's activism

book arts

Victorian Splendor Spitz, Laurie. (suffrage)

How Long? Sande Wascher-James (suffrage)

making stuff / doing things

How Books Work (Julie Chen)

stuff in special collections? (peace, college archives, friends) // the possibilities are endless...



more work for mother?

see: romance novels as providing emotional sustenance for mothers (who are otherwise providing emotional support)

The Lonely Bear - Esmerelda Tree Cat (a different sort of love story?)

connection to needlecraft, women's work

Secret Recipes for the Modern Wife (...until death- or divorce -do you part) - Nava Atlas

rewriting / re-telling

Testament of Women (Drucker) retold Bible (Tripod)

Testament of Women is a radical retelling of tales of biblical women. These figures are archtetypes in western thought - Eve, Sarah, Hagar, Esther - whose stories have been reinterpreted by generations. In this version, the women are each represented by a linoleum cut based on a real, living woman whose identity embodies a current, lived experience that parallels the original.



Little Red: A Cautionary Tale for Little Girls // The doll, the artist tells the reader / viewer, is one that she had as a child. When turned upside down, the little red riding hood doll is a wolf, in grandmother's clothing, with a music box embedded in her back that played "Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf."

Liftboys and Lostgirls // maybe anti-war, need to look at it

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Girlhood embroidery: American samplers & pictorial needlework, 1650-1850

Destroy All Monsters (1970s Detroit)

Ker-bloom (letter press zine, long-running 1990s-2000s, McCabe has 2000s)

This is an emergency! Reproductive justice portfolio // includes an intergenerational component (folks in their 20s and 30s interview elders)

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women's genres

Your Eyes Make You Panic (1999) altered Cosmo covers (+Z 239.a783 y68 2000)