Clothing and tattoos
When Tris leaves Abnegation to join Dauntless, she begins to experiment with her appearance, reflecting the fact that she has the freedom to explore her individual style for the first time. The members of Abnegation wear gray, loose-fitting clothing and simple hairstyles so they don’t stand out from each other. Dauntless has no such restrictions, and after Peter calls Tris “Stiff” on the roof of the Pit, she removes her gray outer shirt and throws it at him. This is one of Tris’s first steps toward rejecting her old faction and developing her Dauntless identity.
At first Tris wears her Abnegation clothes to bed, but because the Dauntless dress mostly in black, Tris gradually starts wearing black clothing, too. After the first day of training, Christina picks out a slim-fitting dress for her to wear and does her makeup, showing that she can look striking, if not exactly pretty. For the first time in her life, she’s allowed to want to be attractive. She begins dressing to flatter her body and is happy when Tobias tells her she looks good. The Dauntless are also tattooed, some heavily. Soon after joining, Tris gets three birds tattooed on her collarbone, and she adds the Abnegation and Dauntless symbols during a later stage of initiation. The tattoos make her feel unique, but they also help her fit in and feel closer to her friends in Dauntless.