Chapter 6: Six Figures- Tolkachev wrote a letter to the CIA. Isn this letter he spoke of his dislike of the Soviet Union culture, philosophy, economics, politics. He called it "Ideological empty talk". Tolkachev had a son and a wife whom he cared deeply for. They were not poor in the eyes of society however, the communist society left most people without anything. Tolkachev wrote back to headquarters and requested more than 100 rubles, what was initially given to him, as that amount had offended his pride. Headquarters sent a cable in 1979 outlining a plan for long term payment of a six figure payment, like the one Tolkachev requested. The idea was to open an account for him and deposit the money for him in an account in the West to repel suspicion from the KGB. Tolkachev's intelligence had been printed 7 times and had been kept secret in the CIA. They blended his information with other intelligence, in case there was mole, one would not suspect Tolkachev. Guilisher met Tolkachev for the third time and he was handed 29 pages of intelligence as well as 10 cassette tapes. In return Tolkachev was given OP notes from headquarters as well as the 6 figure payment plan. On July 18th, 1979 Jimmy Carter signed the SALT II treaty with the Soviet Union. Tolkachev reported that Moscow's defense planners and weapons designers had just started to study the problem of how to respond to the US cruise missile, allowing the US some time to sit back and gain confidence, as they were steps ahead.