out of my mind 🤕 chase's coggle 🐶

alliteration :repeated consonant sounds at the beginning of the words


🐶 my comments

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singing some stupid song(156)

doodle dee dee (157)

she snoted snot (94)

stupid six foot styfoam snowman(30)

some serious smarts(103)

boogie woogie bugle boy(96)

sorry she was sad and scared(75)

spoon surrp swallow(80)

gobbled giant green vitmans(72)

big booming beethoven(5)


got a nasty questions(194)

songs flooded though me (5)

the weeks zipped by (167)

words need a voice (8)

flowers shiver(168)

her face was almost glowing (95)

numbers sink (165)

marry miss coumlums cloud(49)

words float (165)

magic tumb(46)

fish run away (48)


Flash of wriggling gold fun: (65)

New chair to my old one: (90)

Smart cookie: Page (4)

New chair to my old one: (90)

Mom is a twig next to her: (39)

Reminds me of a television grandmother: (92)

My legs became weapons: (16)

Numbers seem to sink: (165)

My arms became fighting sticks: ( 16)

Child is an escape artist: (173)

Child is an escape artist: (173)

Seen it a million times: Page 111

Broke their necks: Page 106

Like she had done it a million times: Page 65

It may as well been a million miles away: Page 42

Bring her back in 20 years: Page 41

Miles of materials: Page 40

I bet she could fit a full-size basketball in each of her palms and still have room leftover: Page 39

Even though he had been to college for like a million years: Page 22

Stinkiest farts in creation: Page 13

I watched those things a million times: Page 4


Wump: Page 5

Boom: Page 288

whoss: Page 5

Buh: Page 54

Freddy go zoom: Page 36

Plop: Page 43

Screeched: Page 42

Arrh: Page 274

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Like they were Mrs. V's cherry cake: 47

As easily as her clothing: 48

Like a coat with the buttons done up in the wrong holes: 46

As easily as her clothing: 48

Like a two year old: 54

Like a piece of wet spaghetti: 19

Jazz to me sounds brown and tan, and it smells like wet dirt: 6

Like a skateboard to a Mercedes: 90

As fast as mine: 133


Moms a nurse so I guess she speaks their language: 18

Melody can be a handful: 41

Catch the music: Page 95

The words to every single book my father ever read to me are forever tucked inside: 13

I'll simply explode: Page 57

She could not have left more quickly: Page 55

Tight to do that: Page 101

Hearts on fire: Page 136

Face lights up: 172

Was she nuts: 42

i had to be fed like a baby:196