what agencies (businesses) there are in the Wairarapa / New Zealand that help people with their mental and emotional health. What do they do?
Home - Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand
They work to influence individuals, whanau, organisations and communities to improve and sustain their mental health and reach their full potential.
Wairarapa Mental Health Services | Wairarapa DHB
they Provides mental health information, assessment, treatment and support options for people >18 years
24/7 Mental health crisis response
support for family/whanau/friends who care for someone with a mental health or addiction issue with education, information and advocacy ,and Supporting people with experience of mental illness or other disability into employment, further education and community participation
Support groups - Mental Health Foundation of New Zealand
They have Anxiety Social Group,Asian Family Services (Mental Health Peer Support Service),Empathy Support Group, Hibiscus Coast/Orewa,Family/Whanau Support Group,Men's Change and Support Group,NZ Eating Disorder Specialists,Papatoetoe Hearing Voices Support Group
and more
And more groups do this