Creating a documentary in order to raise awareness of people of 'Comfort Women'

how am I going to create a documentary

what is the purpose
of this documentary

what makes a successful documentary?

which topic am I going to talk about ?

comfort women
(Japanese Military Sexual Slavery)

to raise people's awareness of comfort women and wartime sexual violence

to make a correction on distortions about the facts of comfort women

Audience: people in IICS

what sources should be included in a documentary?


video / photos


have to learn how to
put subtitles on video / edit videos

from where?

by watching turtorials on youtube

by reading books about editing videos

face-to-face interview

with an e-mail

by a video-call

would be most effective

have to visit Korea

with whom?

with one of the surviving victims (challenging)

with an expert of this issue
(could be a professor, a leader of NGO, and etc)

videos/photos taken by others

videos/photos taken by myself

have to evaluate them

they must be from reliable sources

have to visit Korea

unbiased documentary

reliable sources

clear point

it has to be engaging the audience

requires source analyzing/evaluatig skills

how do I know whether
it is biased or unbiased/

before creatig a documentary
have to make sure what I am going to talk about

it must not be too long

has to include graphics so that audiences don't get bored or lose their interests

how do I deal with language barrier? interviews going to be in Korean but it needs to be tranlsated in Korean so that audiences can understand and access

I need to translate interviews accurately

what distortions that Japanese government have made?

informing people about comfort women and making a correction on distortions of facts about comfort women

relevance between comfort women issue and feminism(maybe)

where do I get sources?

primary sources

secondary sources

interview with surviving victims

interview with experts

what are the widespread distortions about comfort women?

what are the biggest controversies of this issue?

Japan denying their coercion of 'comfort women'

why did it take almost 50 years for victims to publicly speak out being forced into sexual slavery

negative perceptions towards victims of sexual violence including wartime sexual violence in Korean society

is there any documents or record that cleary states the Japanese coercion of 'comfort women'

how do I know whether I actually raised people's awareness of comfort women and wartime sexual violence or not?

7~8 minutes


brief historical background

interview wih an expert

Kim Hae-Seul, an activist working for the Korean Council

demonstrations in Korea

demanding an apology

assessed by my expert

assessed by peers, teachers

make a rubric to evaluate the documentary

official docuemnts

primary sources

testimony from the victims

UN, NGOs, government webisite, researchs

have an interview with my expert

have to get a permission

How do I know if my documentary was successful or not in terms of raising awareness of people about 'Comfort Women'?

get petition demanding apology from Japanese governemnt signed up from people

petition from Korean Council

create online petition with

my expert, ki, hae-seul whom works for Korean Council which advocates for the 'Comfort Women'


official documents from governments, international organizations

get sign up for the petition demanding an apology from Japan

secondary students

what exactly happened to 'comfort Women'

What are the issues about 'Comfort Women'?