Differentiation Strategies & Assessments


Assessments (ongoing)

Differentiation Strategies

Pop quizzes

Medium (the 12 students who have some knowledge about the topic as shown in their score, but need to develop higher order thinking skills)

High (the 5 students who answered most, including the most difficult, of the pre-assessment questions correctly)

Extend knowledge using independent learning with computers

Use physical experiments to reinforce concepts

Low (the 5 students who appear to have limited knowledge about the topic, of which 3 are struggling with language and are at different reading levels and 2 students who have little to no comprehension of the the topic and need to be tested further for special needs)

Remediated learning with the teacher

Creating flash cards


Pre-teach or front load next topic

Concept maps - also return to map after differentiated learning

Checklists for highlights on subjects

Observation - all students, not just low performers

Draw what you know - ask students to describe the drawings

Explain as a group what they know about a subject

Problem - give them a problem to solve

Scavenger Hunt - to assess prior knowledge

Show Me - ask the student to show what they know

Flipped class to have student centered review. Also allows special education students to follow lesson at their own pace.

Learning stations with advanced topics

Learning stations to reinforce existing topics

Target other senses to teach concept - videos, audiobooks, artistic and tactile learning

Think - Pair - Share with Low and High performers

Journal - What do you want to learn? Expand on knowledge

Self Reflection on what I have learned

Reflection on what I have learned

Group students on similar learning styles and not level. This will not punish a group as being Low level learners

Reading comprehension activity - literature circles

Reading comprehension activity - writing a traditional report

Reading comprehension activity - writing a script or monologue for perfromance

Choice of homework or assessment

Assign open ended projects - allow students to express themselves using a format of their choosing

Propose their ideas for a project - the students have a higher stake in the subject

EdTech tools get more challenging as the student understands more

Create differentiated stations with no mandatory rotation