CT extracellular matrix: Composed of Protein fibers, Fibroblasts, Vessels, and Nerves that are embedded in the matrix. The transportation of water,nutrients,metabolites,oxygen and so on occur within the matrix. Protein fibers account for 55-65% of the CT. Most of which are Collagen Fibers. They give the CT a dense strong network to hold tissues together. Gel-like material between the cells make up 30-35% of CT and hold the tissue together like glue. Collegen fibers synthesis In cell and Out of cell. In cell -AA+peptidebond+polypeptide+Fibril. Out of cell- In ground substance Fibril to Fiber. In the presence of Vitamin C and Oxygen. Also Degradation occurs- the process of breaking collagenase+ fiber = fibrils so the cell can recycle or eliminate.