The Criminal Justice System
Models of Criminal Justice System
Goals: Crime Prevention, Crime control, and Justice
Crime Control; crime repression, "assembly-line justice"
Corrections; community corrections, institutional
Courts; prosecution/defense of accused, preservation of rights
Police; peacekeeping, apprehend law violators
Due Process; protection of liberty of a individual's rights first
Disparity vs Discirmination
Types of Crime
Visible, occupational, organized, transnational, victimless, political, cyber
Costs of Crime
economic, psychological, loss replacement, safety/security, operational
Criminal Law vs Civil Law
Criminal Law is substantive, procedural, and felony (defendant & state)
Civil Law is usually over disputes between 2 parties that are trying to work out an issue
Substantive- define illegal acts, "substance of law"
Crimes by consequence; felonies, misdemeanors, or civil infractions
Elements of crime; legality, harm, punishment, actus reus, concurrence, causation, mens rea
Strict Liability Crime- no intent is necessary. EX: Statuary Rape