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Educational Psychology 02_blending (Theories :thinking_face: (Social…
Educational Psychology
Intersection of:
Teachers x Students x Task x Setting :recycle:
Joseph Schwab
Pragmatism :check: :red_cross:
William James
Testing for truth by figuring out
if something works or not.
Child Study Movement:children_crossing:
G. Stanley Hall :silhouette:
Observations in Context
Better than Lab :apple:
Teacher as Researcher :male-teacher::skin-tone-3:
Experimental Studies
Favored :male-scientist::skin-tone-5:
Edward Lee
Thorndike :silhouette:
Lee Cronbach :silhouette:
Critical of Thorndike; Challenged
quant. only mindset :forbidden:
Paradigm Wars in
Education Research :scales:
Statistical and Methodological
Methods :chart_with_upwards_trend:
Measurement and Assessment :straight_ruler:
Behaviorism :file_folder:
John Watson :mouse:
B.F. Skinner :candy:
Programmed Instruction :floppy_disk:
Functionalism :heavy_plus_sign:
William James
Search for relationships;
Stimuli and Responses :left_right_arrow:
John Dewey
Constructivism :hammer:
Exogenous Constructivism :national_park:
Endogenous Constructivism :mountain_cableway:
Piagetian Theory
Adaptation :bird:
Assimilation :open_hands::skin-tone-4:
Cognitive Disequalibrium :no_entry:
Equilibration :check:
Accommodation :family:
Schema :selfie::skin-tone-5:
Dialectical Constructivism :capital_abcd:
Social Constructivism :man-girl-boy:
Social Participation :church:
Scaffolding :roller_coaster:
Authentic Tasks :briefcase:
Instructional Strategies :female-teacher::skin-tone-3:
Cognitive Apprenticeship :hammer_and_pick:
Reciprocal Teaching :orange_book:
Problem Based Learning :grey_question:
Social Cognitive Theory :silhouettes:
Early Stages :baby_symbol:
Imitation :printer:
Latent Learning :hourglass_flowing_sand:
Tolman and Honzik :silhouette:
Reinforcement affects behavior, not learning :cheese_wedge:
Social Learning Theory :outbox_tray::
Rotter :silhouette:
Bandura :silhouette:
Self-Efficacy :woman-facepalming:
Triadic Reciprocality :left_right_arrow:
Person Behavior Social/Environmental
Learning :unlock:
Enactive :construction:
Vicarious :thought_balloon:
Learning Process Distinction (students may not demonstrate this knowledge) :!?:
Processes :world_map:
Vicarious :thought_balloon:
Modelling :art:
Response Facilitation :monkey_face:
Inhibition and Disinhibition :checkered_flag: :octagonal_sign:
Observational Learning :eyeglasses:
Attention :eyes:
Retention :file_cabinet:
Production :violin:
Motivation :carrot:
Self-Efficacy :first_place_medal:
Actual Performance :dancer:
Vicarious Experience :man-bowing:
Social Persuasion :tada:
Physiological Indicators :cry:
Goals :goal_net:
Specificity :bow_and_arrow:
Proximity :signal_strength:
Difficulty :mountain:
Outcome Expectations :level_slider:
Value :moneybag:
Social Comparisons :european_castle:
Self-Regulatory :control_knobs:
Cyclical Model of Self Regulation :large_blue_circle:
Zimmerman :silhouette:
Forethought Phase :bulb:
Performance/Volitional Phase :construction_worker::skin-tone-5:
Self-Reflection Phase :curly_loop:
Motivation :first_place_medal:
Multimedia Principle :floppy_disk:
Information Processing Theory :computer:
Information Processing View :lower_left_paintbrush:
Classic View: Information Acquisition :heavy_plus_sign::heavy_minus_sign::heavy_multiplication_x::heavy_division_sign:
Limitations: Bartlett :silhouette:
Folk Stories :older_man::skin-tone-3:
Constructionist View: Knowledge Construction :spider_web:
Shiffrin and Atkinson :silhouette:
Assimilation to Schema
Piaget and Bartlett :silhouette:
Gestalt psychologists :silhouette:
Early Origins :fire:
Response Strengthening :+1::skin-tone-3:
Thorndike :silhouette:
Trial and Error Learning :golf:
Learning :female-student:
Basic Information Processing Model :frame_with_picture:
Rooted In :deciduous_tree:
Limited Capacity :full_moon:
Active Processing :runner::skin-tone-5:
Knowledge Driven :thought_balloon:
Dual Channels :see_no_evil::hear_no_evil:
Sensory Memory :small_blue_diamond:
Selecting :point_left::skin-tone-2:
Visual/Auditory Processing :eyes::headphones:
Working Memory :large_blue_circle:
Organizing :card_file_box:
Pictorial/Verbal Processing :film_frames::speaking_head_in_silhouette:
Long-Term Memory :blue_book:
Integrating :open_file_folder:
Demands :writing_hand::skin-tone-5:
Extraneous Processing :hole::
Coherence Principle :scissors:
Signaling Principle :warning:
Contiguity Principle :couple:
Pretraining Principle :chains:
Segmenting Principle :pizza:
Modality Principle :speech_balloon:
Essential Processing :microscope:
Generative Processing :scroll:
Multimedia Principle :up::arrow_up:
Personalization Principle :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
Generative Principle :!?:
Assessment :clipboard:
Retention Test :egg:
Transfer Test :fried_egg:
Development Theories :sunflower:
Cognitive/Intellectual Development
Piaget’s Four Stages of Cognitive Development :four:
Preoperational :speech_balloon:
Concrete Operational :timer_clock:
Formal Operations :spider_web:
Jean Piaget :silhouette:
Sensorimotor :baby::skin-tone-3:
Zone of Proximal Development :girl::skin-tone-3::bear::bear::bear:
Lev Vygotsky :silhouette:
Social/Emotional/Personality Development
Ecological Systems Theory of Development :cityscape:
Bronfenbrenner :silhouette:
Chronosystem :arrows_counterclockwise:
Macrosystems :flag-us:
Exosystem :video_camera:
Mesosystem :electric_plug:
Microsystem :school:
Eriskson’s Epigenetic Theory of Development :evergreen_tree:
Motivational Development
Physical/Physiological Development
Social Cultural Approaches :world_map:
Cultural Psychology :earth_africa:
Vygotsky :silhouette:
Higher Psychological Functions
Phylogenesis :bird::tanabata_tree:
Sociocultural History :flag-ad::flag-ai:
Ontogenesis :baby::skin-tone-3::boy::skin-tone-4::man::skin-tone-4:
Microgenesis :thought_balloon::stopwatch:
Human Interactions with the Outside World :eyeglasses:
Tools and Signs:hammer::speech_balloon:
Zone of Proximal Development :girl::skin-tone-3::bear::bear::bear:
Activity Theory
Leont'ev :silhouettes:
Participation in production :male-cook::skin-tone-4:
Learning :thinking_face::
Informal Learning :rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
Community of Learners :clubs:
Rogoff :silhouette:
Play :game_die:
Community of Practice :school:
Lave and Wenger :silhouette:
Situated Learning::egg::hatching_chick:
Legitimate peripheral participation :man-mountain-biking::skin-tone-2:
Students and Teachers :female-teacher::skin-tone-2::female-student:
Student Knowledge and Beliefs :label:
Conceptual Change :currency_exchange:
Classic Approach :explode:
dissatisfaction with current conception :angry:
intelligible new conception :open_mouth:
plausible new conception :smiley:
fruitful new conception :sun_with_face:
Posner :silhouette:
Knowledge in Pieces Approach :sparkler:
Phenomenological primitives (P-prims) :sparkles:
diSessa :silhouette:
Theory-Theory Approach :heavy_plus_sign:
Framework Theory Approach :meat_on_bone:
Vosniadou :silhouette:
Sociocultural Approach :hammer:
Ontological category shifts :arrows_counterclockwise:
Chi :silhouette:
Carey :silhouette:
Instruction for conceptual change :floppy_disk:
Cognitive conflict :male-firefighter:
Instructional analogies :hourglass:
Model-based reasoning :male-scientist::skin-tone-5:
Refutational text :boxing_glove:
Dissonance Strategies :confounded:
Role of Motivation and Affect :carrot::cry:
Warm Factors :kissing_closed_eyes::angry:
Self-efficacy :swimmer:
Interest :crystal_ball:
Affect/Emotion :stuck_out_tongue:
Epistemic beliefs :!?:
Nature of Knowledge :pen:
Certainty of knowledge :+1::skin-tone-3:
Simplicity of knowledge :game_die:
process of knowing :pencil2:
Source of knowledge :desktop_computer:
Justification of knowledge :check:
Motivation :carrot:
Modern Expectancy Value Theory :arrow_up_down:
Eccles and Wigfield :silhouette:
Expectancies of Success :check::red_cross:
Task Value :hearts:
Attainment Value
Intrinsic Value
Utility Value
Implicit Theories about Intelligence :+1::skin-tone-5:
Dweck :silhouette:
Incremental/malleable view of intelligence :wind_blowing_face:
Entity/fixed view of intelligence :hole:
Source :family:
Intrinsic Motivation :closed_umbrella:
Extrinsic Motivation :umbrella_with_rain_drops:
Deci and Ryan :silhouette:
Amotivation :forbidden:
Spectrum of Autonomously Regulated Behavior :thermometer:
External Regulation :four:
Introjected Regulation :three:
Integrated Regulation :one:
Identified Regulation :two:
Achievement Goals :goal_net:
Mastery Goals :tada:
Performance Goals
Performance Approach Goals
Performance Avoidance Goals
Ames :silhouette:
TARGET system
Self-Regulated Behaviors/Concerns
Academic Help Seeking :hand::skin-tone-3:
Stereotype Threat :warning:
Academic Disidentification :black_flag:
Academic Disengagement :red_flag:
Attribution Theory
Intrapersonal motivation
Interpersonal motivation
Collaboration Among Professionals
Cognition and Learning
Human Learning :information_desk_person::skin-tone-2:
Student Performance
Individual Differences :smiley:
Mindfulness and Effortful Engagement :writing_hand:
Multiomedia Reading Approach :books:
Intelligence :zap:
Structural Theories of Intelligence :black_square_button:
Theory of Psychometric g :woman-girl-boy:
Spearman :silhouette:
Model of Mental Abilities :nine:
Thurman :silhouette:
Hierarchical Theories of Intelligence :small_red_triangle:
Theory of fluid and crystallized intelligence (Gf-Gc) :mans_shoe::mans_shoe:
Crystallized Intelligence :headphones::loudspeaker:
General Knowledge :notebook:
Cattell–Horn–Carroll model :money_with_wings:
Horn :silhouette:
Cattell :silhouette:
Carroll :silhouette:
Systems Models of Intelligence :wheel_of_dharma:
Theory of Multiple Intelligences :musical_note::heavy_division_sign::runner::skin-tone-4::rolling_on_the_floor_laughing:
Gardner :silhouette:
Triadic Theory of Intelligence :world_map::
Sternberg :silhouette:
Componential subtheory :closed_book:
Experiential subtheory :closed_lock_with_key:
Contextual subtheory :cityscape:
Assessment of Intelligence :check::red_cross:
Woodcock-Johnson III (WJ-III)
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC-IV)
Stanford-Binet Fifth Edition (SB-V)
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children-II (KABC-II)
Academic Performance :checkered_flag:
Problem- Solving :video_game:
Effort and Motivation :muscle::skin-tone-4:
Study Strategies :thinking_face:
Expert Performance Apprach :trophy:
Expert Performance :one:
Assessment :red_flag:
As Measurement :straight_ruler:
As an Instrument :saxophone:
As Evaluation :check:
Modes of Inquiry :mag_right:
Intervention Research :thermometer:
Randomized Control Trials :writing_hand::skin-tone-3:
Design Based Research :desktop_computer:
Studies of development across time and settings :clock7:
Longitudinal observational studies :older_man::skin-tone-3:
Learning trajectories/learning progression research :!?:
Emerging Modes of Inquiry :new:
Research in learning as a cross-setting phenomena :city_sunrise:
Data mining and learning analytics :chart:
Data Analysis :heavy_division_sign:
Techniques :writing_hand::skin-tone-4:
Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA)
Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA)
General Linear Model
Simple Linear Regression
MultipleLinear Regression
Current and Emerging :new:
Data Reduction
Dimensionality (scaling)
Structural Equation Modelling
Confirmatory Latent Class Analysis (LCA)
Item Response Theory (IRT)
Variables :triangular_ruler:
Latent Variables (psychological constructs/traits) :barely_sunny:
Covariates :couple:
Mediating Variables :small_red_triangle:
Moderating Variables
Ancillary Variables
Manifest Variables :sunny:
Proximity Analysis
Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA)
Cluster Analysis
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA)
Principal Components Analysis (PCA)
Bobo Doll :dolls:
Construct Knowledge
Importance of Cognitive Processes in Learning
Expectations and Control