in the year 1519, a man named Hernan Cortés landed in central America (modern day Mexico) When he first met with, Montezuma (Aztec Emperor) the Aztec emperor originally had the impression that Cortés was sent by Quetzalcoatl (the feathered serpent god) and brought him many gifts. But after a while Montezuma learned that Cortés was after treasure, and the relations became less friendly. Cortés then took Montezuma as a hostage and collected all the gold he could find and cleared any treasures he found in the temple. When it was may 1520, During Cortés' absence, the Spanish massacred multiple Aztec nobles during a festival, which led to an uprising inside the city of Tenochtitlan. As Cortés returned, he found that the conquistadors had lost control of the city. As the Spanish tried to withdraw quietly in the middle of the night, consequently, they were discovered, and had to fight to escape. Some managed to escape but they had lost.
In 1521, Cortés returned to the America's and successfully laid siege. They were under siege for three months, since the Aztecs were in a critical state after the smallpox sweep, and they were defeated shortly after, May 1521.