What were the effects of the Spanish conquest of the Americas?

Disease # #

The Slave trade.

The Colombian Exchange


The Spanish impacted the Aztec community by capturing their people and forcing them into slavery. They introduced a system where people were treated poorly and put to work against their will. The Spanish gained slave workers that they captured from the indigenous community. #

One effect of Spanish settlement was the diseases they introduced to the Aztecs. The effect it had on them was horrible as they had no knowledge about prevention or cure.

Because the Aztecs and other communities have been through this and experienced this person today have invested time to explore cures, prevention and vacines.

Key diseases that impacted the Aztecs were Smallpox, Influenza, Typhus, Measles, Malaria, Diphtheria, Whooping cough. The effect of these diseases on the population was devastating because their immune systems had never encountered anything like this before. As a result, it is estimated that 5-8 million at this time.

There was a small impact on European population.

The "New World".

The "Old World".

One long term impact of the diseases on the Aztec population was it slowed down and reduced their reproduction. This was because Syphillis was a STD. As a result healthy reproduction was stunted.

An immediate and positive gains made through the exchange were that the old world received corn, coco, tomatoes, potatoes, chilies, squash. #

A negative gain from the exchange was that the old world sent diseases, such as Syphilis, which effected hundreds of people.

An immediate and positive gains made through the exchange were that the new world received rice, wheat, beef, pork, and horses.

A negative gain that the new world received was diseases such as - Small pox, Typhus


Cultural gains:
Old World cultural elements came to be thoroughly adopted by Maya groups, an example being the marimba, a musical instrument of African origin.
The Spanish gained this because they got it from African slaves.

EDUCATION: European education was introduced to the Aztec community. This helped formalise the education system that the Aztecs were already using which predominantly included learning from the immediate family.

CHRISTIANITY: The Spanish made efforts to introduce Christ to the Aztecs. They allowed them to be part of the administrative works of the church and to join in. The Aztecs joined without hesitation once their temples were removed by the Spanish.

A cultural gain through the exchange was new foods from new parts of the world.

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Cultural losses:

Some impacts of the Europeans on the Aztec culture was that they lost parts of their religion as well as some of their daily rituals eg: human sacrifices.
They also lost many of their key leaders, wisdom and knowledge with the countless deaths.
The effects of the losses were that they ultimately lost their traditions and culture practices when the Europeans took over.




The effect that the slave trade had on the Europeans was positive. They used the slaves as free labour. This helped them establish societies and communities. They built cities, roads, farms and made profits by trading selling slaves. #

The main cultural groups that the Spanish enslaved were Aztec natives, Africans and Indians. The impact of this was that they then used them as a form of currency to trade goods and services. Another effect that they had was their trade extended from country to country as the Europenas sent African slaves to America.

Slaves were also frequent faces in the market of Tenochtitlan where they could be sold along with food, cloth, and handmade goods. However, the cities with the most well-known slave markets were Azcapotzalco and Itzocan.

Usually, only wealthy men, or nobles, could often afford slaves. Slaves could be bought for 30 cotton garments called "quachtli." Slaves who could entertain their masters with a talent, such as by singing or dancing, were more expensive and could cost upwards of 25 percent more.





Handbook to Life in the Aztec World.

California State University, Los Angeles.

Restall and Asselbergs.

M.R and F.A


Not identified.

Matthew Restall and Florine Asselbergs


The long-term impact of food trading extends to us today. We now have chips, chocolate, spices, corn and pizza

A long-term impact on the Aztec culture was that due to so many influences the whole Aztec race was wiped out. There are no more Aztecs because they got killed by the Spanish.

New Experiences:
The Aztecs get new education and get converted to Christianity.
They get to see the world from a new perspective and realize their mistakes.
They are now slaves. This would have positively effected the Spanish.

Slaves would have brought diseases.

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The Colombian Exchange:


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