Malaysia Crime Prevention Foundation

what do they do?

Promote awareness in crime prevention

Organizing, Coordinating and Promoting activities

Conducting Public Talks / Meetings / Seminars / Conferences / Exhibitions relating to crime prevention


1 organization

Collaborating and co-operating with other related organizations outside Malaysia

how do they get funding?



2 organization

was established 1993 (25)



Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia.

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main supportes

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MPITM(majlis pertubbuhan ibu tunggal Malaysia.)

Malaysia relief agency.

HOPE foundation.

National heart association of malaysia.

Pusat Sukarelawan kebajikan sabah.(Sabah welfare volunteer center.)

Multiple sclerosis society of malaysia.

social media tools

Instagram b473fcad595f09b0afe1270d9016ac8c

Pinterest pinterest-icon_logo

Snapchat snapchat-logo-topic

The Neighborhood Watch

Alliance on Crime Prevention & Criminal Justice of NGOs

Age groups


Review devices

Two factor authentication

Unique password

All ages