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word prosescing definition (document format (column one of two or mored…
word prosescing definition
Text format
Alignment:how the edged of a line paragraph, Object, or table are positioned horizontally and vertically between margens on a page
Bullets and numbering a feature in a word prosessing aplication that allows the user to create outlines or itemized lists with either icons or numbers
font the size style and design of text
format in word processing, to to utilize features that enhance the appearance and overall layout of text graphics tables within a document
point size the measurement or size of a font
ascending sort order arangeing text or numbers from A to Z largest to smallest or earliest to latest
descenng sort numbers arangeing from Z to A largest to smallest or latest to earliest
sort to arrange a a list alphebeticly or numerically in acending or desending order
shading the background of a cell table or page
table a set of data arranged in A SET of rows and colombs
document format
column one of two or mored vertical sections of printed on a page; usually seperated by margins
borders lines around the edge of texta page a cell or a table
footer text appearing at the bottom of each page seperated from each body of text
landscape orentation a page layout in which documents are printed across the length of a page wider than it is tall
Header text appearing at the top of each page seperate from th main body of text
hard return a break in the line or in the paragraph forced by the user when the return key is pressed
line spaceing the amount of space between lines of text
indent to move text away from the left orright tab
maual page break a page break the end user forces to create a new page
margins the white space surrounding content on a page
automatic page break thefeature that automatically genorates a new page
portrait orentation the layout in which documents are printed across the page
tab stop
clip art a feature that includes premade illistrations
copy and paste a feature tht allows the user to select text and duplicate it then place it
cut and paste a feature that allows the user to select text or a graphic
print preveiw a that allows the user to veiw a document and make necissary changes
drag and drop a feature that allows the user to select some thing with a mouse and move it
edit to make changes by adding modifying or changing text
Find and replase
spell check
word/text art
word wrap