Policy Concepts & Frameworks

Nation, State, Govts, Country -- all mean different things

Sound Economic Reasoning


Good communications


Politics as a contestation for narrative dominance







Bardach's 8-fold path

Defining a Problem

Assemble Evidence

Constructing alternatives

Select evaluation criteria

Project outcomes

Confront trade offs


Tell your story

Writing Analysis

Style Guide

Context appropriateness

Incentives matter

Economic Costs

Look at the margin


Project Management

Transition plan

Feedback loop

Objective negative feedback stabilises the system

How to design for improvement?


Effecting Change

Overton Window

The need to be ready with better solutions ahead of time

Stakeholder Management

When is the worst time to try making a friend?

Good policy, bad implementation is a myth

Understanding decision-making of governments

Market Failure, Government Failure, Social Failure

8 things governments do

The international gameboard

"the State has our instincts without our restraints"

Domestic and International affairs have different terms of engagement

There are fundamental differences in how different civilisations see the game-board of international relations.

What do I do with what I have learnt?

Things to Read

Policy Paradox by Deborah Stone

Public Policymaking in India

Strategic Consequences of India's Economic Performance

reform is not always about privatisation or nationalisation. We may prefer privatisation, liberalisation and free-market competition, but the ground realities might not permit maximalist goals.

Indian context of social revolution

Information Age

Radically networked societies pose a challenge to hierarchical States

Information cascades get created easily but they're also easy to break

Moral Panics

Terrorism in the networked age

3 steps for policy thinking (cf. Ajay Shah)

Is there a Market Failure?

Does the proposed intervention address the root cause?

What about the capacity needed?

There's no policy without politics

Politics is the art of the possible

What policy wonks must do?

What citizens must do?

When swimming against the tide

Understand that people have different cognitive maps. Align them.

Why is the status quo the status quo?


In service of the Republic

Reflect, Educate, Discuss

India's Tryst with Destiny


domains and disciplines: don't leave out economics

Pick a research essay you want to write (3000 words)

Do a session on policy for your colleagues

Trace the general equilibrium effects

Low state capacity should change public policy

Isomorphic mimicry

Write a book!

Journal submissions

Structure of Power



Economics of Strategy

Difference between military and economic power

Direct and indirect uses of economic power are possible

Power is convertible

A problem in one domain can be addressed through the application of power in another domain

Knowledge is Power

Judge a policy by its consequences not its intentions

Better or worse, not good or bad

Goals: equity, efficiency, effectiveness


Not every unintended consequence is unanticipable

Moral hazards

Regulation becomes overregulation




book reviews

Financing -> Positive Externalities

Producing -> Public Goods

Regulating -> Negative Externalities, Market Power, Information Asymmetry

Indian State is too Big and to Screenshot 2022-11-25 at 10.49.52 PM o Small, both

Narratives Matter

Be on cordial terms with people across the aisle

The Use of Knowledge in Society

Keep engaging on OpenTakshashila

Takshashila PGP

Community Building


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