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Paper 1-Incarnation (Paper 1-Incarnation NOT DONE (7 Sacraments…
Paper 1-Incarnation
Paper 1-Incarnation NOT DONE
Jesus, fully human, fully God
Fully Human
He felt pain
He made mistakes
He was born and died
He felt emotions
He describes himself as the son of man.
Fully God
Performed miracles
Knows what is going to happen
Came back to life
He answers yes when being asked if he "is the messiah? The son of the blessed one.
Religious art
Reasons for
Constant reminder of God
God took human form
Inspires people
Gives Christians something to focus on while praying
Reasons against
No one knows what he looks like, so religious art could potentially be false images of God
Statues/images can be misleading
Shouldn't worship anything but God
"You shall not make yourself an idol"
-Exodus 20:4-5
Christ the Redeemer
Symbol of Jesus' love and obedience to God
Shows Jesus' love taken in all people
Outstretched arms- reminder of cross, and that Gods arms are also open for us. He is caring.
No ones' excluded from Gods love.
High up- looked up to
The sacred heart
Flames coming from the heart, which represents the burning love that Jesus has for all.
A hole of piercing through the heart to represent one of the soldiers piercing Jesus' side with a spear to check he was dead.
An expression of peace and love
Holes in his hands from when Jesus was nailed to the cross.
A sacred heart statue is a statue of Jesus that represents his total self-giving love for all.
A crown of thorns surrounding the heart to represent the crown that was placed on his head. When he was mocked by the soldiers.
One of Jesus' hands pointing to his heart, to draw attention to it.
Key definitions
Sanctity of life
All life is holy as it is created and loved by God: human life should not be misused or abused.
The art of being made flesh.
Imago Dei
Image of God
Imago Dei and Abortion
When does life begin?
Luke 1:39-45
supports the catholic belief that human life begins at the moment of conception. .
When pregnant Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth who is also pregnant. with John The Baptist. Elizabeth is filled with the hoy spirit. Her unborn baby also reacts to the presence of Jesus.
Imago Dei and the protection of the unborn
Imago Dei is Latin for "image of God"
The Catholic church teaches that humans are made in the image of God.
This means that all human life is holy and should be protected.
The fact that human life begins at conception, this protection should extend to unborn babies.
This is why the catholic church is against abortion.
Message to Mary and joseph from Gabriel.
Luke's and Matthew's account
They agree on.
Jesus was the son of God
Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit
God worked through human beings to bring about his plan for humanity
The angel Gabriel announces Jesus' birth.
Mary was a virgin
Luke 1:26-38 Matthew 1:18-24
Jesus was the word of God.
The word came to earth to guide people closer to God, and teach them how to share in his love.
This confirms that Jesus is the word/son of God. The word has always been there but it took on human nature to live on earth as Jesus.
"And the word became flesh and lived among us, and we have his glory, the glory as of a father's only son, full of grace and truth".
Symbols- page 33.
Ichthus (fish)
The letters represent a series of Greek words that make up the saying "Jesus Christ, Son of God, Saviour.
This was used as a declaration of the faith in early Christianity as it showed they believed Jesus was the Son of God and the saviour
At the time when Christians could be persecuted for their faith, they could use this symbol to show they were Christian.
Reminder of the death of Jesus
Reminder that Jesus was sent by God to save humanity though his death.
Many Christians wear than rather than the cross as an expression of their faith.
Alpha and Omega
Alpha is the first letter of Greek alphabet, Omega is last letter.
Used to symbolise God and Jesus are involved in everything from begging to end
St Irenaeus meeting point between God and human. 2 teachings page 38.
God is invisible: he is beyond human sight and understanding.
But Christians can get to know what God is like through Jesus.
This means Christians can develop a better understanding of God's nature through examining the life and actions of Jesus.
Because Jesus is the Son of God, he displays qualities of God.
Parable of the sheep and the goat
This story is where Jesus tells his followers that in serving and caring for other people, they are serving God. Showing Christians how they should respond to those in need.
Jesus teaches that caring for people is important. By showing love and kindness to others. Christians will be judged favourably by God and rewarded with eternal life in Heaven.
7 Sacraments
Forehead anointed with holy oil
Only happens once in a persons life
A person choosing to confirm they are a member of the Church
Persons faith deepened and strengthened
Power of Holy Spirit renewed in their life
Water is poured over the head, symbolising washing away of sins
Only happens once in a persons life
When someone becomes a member of the church
The person becomes a child of God
Eucharist-Holy Communion
When a person receives the consecrated Bread and wine, the body and blood of Christ.
Can happen on a regular basis, every mass.
The person receives the life of Christ
This helps them to keep growing in Gods love
When a man and woman give their consent to be married.
Usually only happens once in a persons life
The couple accept that through their love for each other, the love of God is active in their lives
Happens through laying of the hands and the anointing of hands with chrism: a symbolic gesture that passes on the power of the Holy Spirit.
For each position, this can only happen once in a persons life.
When a person becomes a priest, bishop or deacon.
The person commits himself to God and the Church.
He is given certain power, such as being able to consecrate at Mass, preach, and pass on from God the forgiveness of sins.
When a person confesses their sins to a priest and these are forgiven.
Can happen on a regular basis
The persons' relationship with God is restored.
Sacrament of the sick
When a person who is very ill is anointed with oil.
Can happen more than once in a persons life.
Gives strengths to the person and also forgives their sins