this is the organ system that allows the organism to move, support itself and maintain stability during locomotion



They keep the bones in place and also plays a role in their movement

they are three(3) types of muscles

This is an important structural component of the body that is more flexible than the bones

They are three(3) types of cartilages

-this provides the body with the stability to the body analogous to a re-inforcement bar in concrete construction

they are four(4) different types of bones

this are the articulation between bones and they allow movement. they is movable and immovable joints
-the following are type of movable joints.

SHORT BONES: They allow movement of the body and they are also responsible for weight bearing e.g metacarpals

FLAT BONES: They protect the vital organs and they act as a point of attachment for muscles e.g sternum and cranium

LONG BONES: This type of bones are responsible for weight-bearing and movement of the body from the joint they form with other long bones e.e femur and humerus

IRREGULAR BONES: This are bones that have a shape that are well adapted for their function e.g pelvic bone

SMOOTH MUSCLE: This types are found in the walls of the intestines and blood vessels

CARDIAC MUSCLE: This are found in the heart to produce rhythmic contraction of the heart. they are characterizes by the involuntary movement. only skeletal and smooth muscle are considered part of the musculo-skeletal system.

SKELETAL MUSCLE: This type of muscle is involved in body locomotion


This are flexible bands made of fibrous connective tissue and it function is to connect the muscles to bones

ARTICULATING CARTILAGE: This are found on the surface of the bones. its function is to distribute weight. it is strong rubbery, flexible tissue that has regenerative capacity and it is mostly found within the joints

ELASTIC CARTILAGE: It is more flexible than the hyaline cartilage and it is found in the ear, larnyx and the epiglottis

FIBROCARTILAGE: This is the tough inflexible form of cartilage found in the knees and between the vertebrae

This are dense, white bands of fibrous elastic tissue and it function is to connect the ends of the bones in order to form a joint

HINGE JOINT: This joint allows the bending of the joint in one direction e.g knee joint

PIVOT JOINT: This allows for the rotation movements, they are found in the radius and ulna.

SOCKET JOINT: They allow for a full free range of movement e.g shoulder joint

SADDLE JOINT: This allows for a special movement of a thumb

GLIDING JOINT: These joint are found in the wrist and they allow for limited movement in all directions


FRACTURE: They is a gradual loss of bone mass with ageing and fracture is more likely to results. osteoporosis is more likely to develop in women who have riches their menopause

HEALTH STATUS: Poor exercise and a lack of calcium in the diet is likely to result in reduced bone density

LIGAMENTS: Because of ageing they tend to be lax and they results in the dislocation of bones

DIET: A diet that lack sufficient nutrients such as calcium that is necessary for formation of strong bones and muscle contraction results in week muscle

INJURY: This result from falls mostly for people over the age of 65 years or older because of the impaired strength and balance also in young childrens since their muscle are not yet strong enough.

(Mogotlane, 2013)
(MedicineNet, 2018)
(Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov, 2018)
(Smeltzer, 2010)