How to: Acai Bowl
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how to make an acai bowl
Health Enthusiasts
People on diets
People looking to make their own instead of buying a bowl for $7 and up
Here's how to create your own acai bowl from your own home
$25 to buy enough supplies to last you up to 7 bowls which could cost over $40 if you were to go out and buy each bowl at a smoothie shop or similar vendors
Educate the viewers on what acai is and what health benefits each bowl can provide
How to find acai or make a similar alternative if needed
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Provide stats of each ingredient (amount of calories, what vitamins, so forth)
Find cheap acai or similar
Go into detail about why a certain aspect is part of the bowl
What overall benefit acai bowls give you (help with digestion, immunity booster, so forth)
Help the viewer understand why acai bowls are favored by many healthy peoples
No specific age group