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Aircraft System Life Cycle Potential Failure Point Identification Boeing
Aircraft System Life Cycle Potential Failure Point Identification
Failure: Insufficient cash budgeted to allow for complete decommissioning
Failure: Safe shutdown procedures not identified
Failure: All persons involved in decommissioning not fully briefed or trained in task
Failure: Standards and local policy not adhered to during decommissioning process
Failure: Safe decommissioning procedures not identified
Failure: Life of type not correctly identified.
Failure: Life cycle incorrectly identified
Failure: Life extensions on type granted past designed life cycle
Failure: Hazardous substances not identified
Failure: Recycling not identified during decommissioning
Failure: All aircraft documentation over entire life not archived
Failure: Cash flow restrictions preventing full manpower utilisation in design stage
Failure: Review process not embedded at the concept stage of design.
Failure: No design input from end user
Failure: Product engineered by engineers for engineers, not maintainers
Failure: Lack of communication
Failure: Design scope not fully understood
Failure: Design flawed
Failure: Future upgradeability not included
Failure: Modification programme not planned for
Failure: Safety not considered as intrinsic
Failure: Ergonomics / Anthropomorphics not considered as intrinsically important in design
Failure: Sustainability of aircraft production not fully conceptualised
Failure: Environmentally sustainable processes not considered
Failure: The ease of manufacturing underestimated
Failure: Build costs underestimated
Failure: Manufacturing space not suited to task
Failure: Quality control procedures not implemented
Failure. ISO / AS not integrated into manufacturing process
Failure: Safe workspaces not identified
Failure: Raw materials required to produce aircraft not readily obtainable.
Failure: Requirement for specialist tooling not considered
Failure: Specialist tradespersons availability not considered
Failure: Production deadlines not realised
Failure: Manufacturing costs prohibitive
Failure: Correct level of training not provided
Failure: Insufficient manuals and instructions provided
Failure: Language, literacy and numeracy not considered
Failure: Location of maintenance depots not allowing for best practice
Failure: Spare parts not available immediately when required
Failure: Operating tempo preventing scheduled maintenance from being carried out
Failure: System not fit for purpose
Failure: Level of PPE required during system commissioning
Failure: System becomes obsolete before designed life cycle
Failure: Workarounds put in place to combat obselescence
Failure: Level of difficultyof system to use
Failure: inspection regime not implemented
Failure: Existing equipment not considered for designed system
Failure: Retrofit required to make design workable
Failure: Legislative requirements ignored
Failure: Production numbers underestimated
Failure: Plant not sufficiently sized for designed task
Failure: Commissioning costs overrun
Failure: Correct commissioning procedures not detailed or followed correctly
Failure: Incorrect commissioning leads to building into system inherent fail points
Failure: Incorrect plant location
Failure: Logistics
Failure: Qualifications for tradespersons not considered
Failure: Underestimating numbers of tradespersons required to carry out commissioning.