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Learning and Teaching in the Enhanced PYP (Opportunities :star: (Inquiry,…
Learning and Teaching
in the Enhanced PYP
Opportunities :star:
Developing assessment capable students and teachers will empower them to define the course of their learning and their life supporting their agency.
holistic design
To fully integrate Reflection in the learning process and skills as well as in the development of the learner profile attributes will promote the metacognitive processes in the students that will empower them to achieve any goals they decide upon.
Taking out reflection from key concepts will allow greater focus on other key concepts
The idea of concepts and skills that will help students understand better the world will help to promote a concept based program together with single subject teachers if we keep significative teaching and learning.
Early years
enhancements - Allow for more developmentally appropriate teaching and learning for young children. Promoting the importance of play in brain development.
Linking Agency specifically in the inquiry process will empower students to take ownership of their learning and will allow for different types of inquiry.
A nonlinear model of the inquiry cycle will allow for more comprehensive approach and more depth in the units
The opportunity for the Early Years to promote significative Inquiry that will also correspond to their age and thinking process
Approaches to Learning
Love the examples of how to explicitly teach them. :<3:
Schools have a chance to create their own scope and sequence for the ATLs
Consistency in language across all programmes
I value that now we can work together as a whole with the 3 programs and have a common language .
Transdisciplinary Program of Inquiry
Authenticity of transdisciplinary learning.
. I love that there are different planners and that they allow for flexibility in adapting them to the school's needs.
Early childhood planners. Teachers will appreciate the attention the new pyp gives to the special circumstances of their students and will grasp the opportunity to revalue play and construct new ways to support the student´s learning. I wonder if the structure will be enough to do this.
Flexibility to decide time frame of units could better support student inquiries and flexibility needed to meet mandated requirements
New resources as a guide for new schools implementing the program and flexibility with the new planners.
Challenges :red_flag:
The new approach in the exhibition as a formative
assessment can be a real game changer. It will require clear guidance for the schools so they can build a new framework to work it.
Yes, clear guidelines will be helpful. A lot of 'aspects' are becoming a little more flexible, which in theory is great, but I know I'm someone who likes structure. The exhibition bit makes me nervous not knowing more, but at least schools will have the option.
How to help teachers through a formative assessment when they are used to have exhibition also as a summative at the end of the program.
Clear guidelines are going to be very important in this change so we don't loose what we have gained so far.
Approaches to Learning
Changes align with MYP and DP, but will it pose a challenge to schools since the specific skills have changed?
I like the consistency in language across all programmes and I understand the categories of sub-skills, but is it just more to 'fit in'?
I was hoping rather than subskills, to have a scope and sequence with the ATLs - what would a particular thinking skill look like at 3 years old vs. 6 years old vs. 10 years old, for example. I know my previous school worked on one for our own school. Lots of work and was useful but was kind of hoping that might be in the updates.
I wonder if the fact that each school can define their own sub-skills can in some way leave a subjective appraisal of how well the SKILL is being covered and develop throughout the PYP years
out as a key concept. I do wonder if this will diminish the importance of reflective practice with students.
The challenge will lay in making sure it really
is happening throughout the whole learning process
It's still part of the Learner Profile, so that should hopefully help keep it in the forefront of minds when planning, etc.
Hopefully there can be more focus on the other key concepts. Reminds me of how 'form' is always used too, but form can be used with just about anything. Maybe it's a step to help utilize the other concepts more...
How to integrate related concepts that are significant considering the age of the students in order to keep a transdisciplinary program that also allows single subject teachers to participate through UofI
With all the changes coming along we have to be able to guide schools to stay out of theme based teaching and learning and keep Key and related concepts as a base for Teaching and Learning.
Changing to a more flexible approach to inquiry (non linear) will require
teachers to modify their known patterns so they can follow the students to deeper understandings.
Explicit focus on agency - voice, choice, ownership encourages students to take responsibility for own learning. How is this different from action? Don’t students have voice, choice and ownership in action?
The flexibility on Inquiry could provide schools opportunities and a challenge also about building their own Inquiry cycles.
Transdisciplinary Program of Inquiry
questions - How can we guide schools to assist them in understanding when and how to make the changes? Are the guidelines clear enough for schools to understand?
Developing a new way to present the POI is going to be very challenging. Schools will need clear guidelines and a very creative thinking to surpass the well known matrix
I'm having a hard time picturing something other than a matrix!!
Single subject teaching outside the POI will represent a challege for the schools to ensure the balance of the programme and to ensure the transdisciplinay nature of the learning.
Being able to design our own planner as school - what will the ‘non-negotiables’ be? What will be required to ensure consistency?
How to guide old schools in the changes proposed in the POI, what are the expectations and when should they have them ready?
Multilinguism will favor access to other cultures and international mindedness