Structure of a
Journal-Style Scientific Paper

Abstract llaveA

Literature cited image

Introduction libro-primera-pagina-1920-1925-D_NQ_NP_987111-MLV20494010440_112015-F

Results image

Materials and methods image



It tries to synthesize the major aspects of the entire paper in one paragraph.

Key findings


Design and methods


A paragraph between 200 or 300 words.

Restate the main ideas of each section of the whole paper

It states the purpose of the investigation and summarizes the rational of the research.

Provide a look of the context

Clear statement of the rationale

Clearity about the subject area

Explain how the study was carried: General structure and organization

Relevant information about the pre-experiment

Purpose: Reader will understand the logical flow of the experiment(s) with use of subheadings.

Use of third person and passive constructions to describe the experiment

Discussion image


It must be linked to the introduction in terms of the question and the hypothesis



To interpret results about the subject of the investigation, and to explain new understandings after taking the results into consideration.

It is not a rearrangement of the introduction

Use the established citing system. E.g. APA

Describe the procedures in sufficient detail that other scientists could repeat your work to verify your findings.

Describe how the data were summarized and analyzed.

Present results,without interpretation, in logical sequence using text and illustrative materials (Tables and Figures).

Present with logical support the problem presented

Important negative results should be reported, too.

Use active voice

Be concise

Do not restate your results

Organize the discussion taking into account the order of the experiments

It is an alphabetical listing of the references cited in your paper