

is the form of athritis associated with hypeuricaemia whereby uric acid crystala precipitate from the body and are deposited on the joints and connective tissue


medical management

Excessive consumption of a high purine diet and alcohol

Error in Purina metabolism

common findings

health education

nursing management

Inflammation and swelling I the affected joint

Pain attacks usually at night and may last up to seven days

serum uric acid levels are elevated

Nonsteroid anti-inflammatory drugs will be given as prescribed

Elevate the limb and remove the weight of bedclothes

The nurse will rest the affected joint

The patient should limit or restrict high purine foods from his or her diet such as organ meats, poultry, fish, mushrooms and limit alcohol

nurse should teach about weight control of the patient is overweight

Test such as ultrasound will be done y detect urate crystals in a joint

Blood test wil be done to measure levels of uric acid and creatinine in blood

risk factors

Medical conditions such as diabetis

Diet that's high in meat and beverages sweetened with with fruit


Family history of gout

Recent surgery or trauma


Uric acid, the end product in purine metabolism is excreted by the kidneys.

Hyperuricaemia may be due to increased urine formation or decreased renal excretion.

Secondary gout may occur after dialysis due to loss of fluid and accumulation of uric acid

Lingering discomfort

Limited range of motion