Quantum Numbers: each electron has a set of four quantum numbers that determine its exact location. The first quantum number is called the principle quantum number. It is represented by the variable n, and directly correlates to the the row on the periodic table. It tells the energy level of the electron. The second quantum number is the angular momentum quantum number, represented by the variable l. It specifies which of the four types of orbitals: s=o, p=1, d=2, f=3. Then next number is the magnetic quantum number which is represented by the variable m or m subscript 1. It tells which axis the electron is on, which is determined by its position in the section. The final quantum number is the spin quantum number which is represented by the variable s or m subscript s. This number can be given either a value of +1/2 or -1/2. The value is dependent on which half of the orbital section the electron is located on the periodic table. Together, these four numbers make up the quantum numbers.