LBH + Pioneer Workshop Fringe Map 8/2/18
4: no racial/ethnic majority #
4: baby boomer bulge followed by younger population (contraction)
4: more multiracial people #
3: new racial/ethnic categories #
4: lower population growth rate
3: gender identity #
irish and italian vs. now "white" #
who's a citizen?
2: more kids coming out as transgender
gender imbalance
part of more abstract demographics not just physical location #
change across generations instead of within just one
wealth transfer
what does that do psychologically?
how many worlds can you live in?
2 places the same time #
for demographics you kind of multiply yourself
different thumb skin tones -> avatars reflect self-determined race/identity
people identifying as incels, finding community
virtual tribalism #
extreme representation for certain states VS. trend of moving out of urban centers #
city and states as is vs. future of cities will it stay the same --> city-states? #
4: islam fastest growing religion #
who's going to die off?
who refuses to participate?
homelessness normalized #
1: genomics will people select based on perceived race of children #
if this is what signals superior status, I'll engineer for my child #
prison industrial complex #
right to access/dignity?
decline of non-orthodox judaism/prostestanism #
illumination of innovative administrative categories of race --> no race, categories purely administrative #
diversity as an advantage/being diverse desirable #
what's normalized? #
shooters #
relation to identity? what does marginalization mean?
religion is how we create social norms --> does ability to enforce morals decline with this decline? #
resurgence of spirituality in place of religion
morals driven by administrative fix? #
with future of jobs shift trying to find meaning #
increase in multigenerational households
increase in people dealing with chronic mental health and other chronic disease issues
1: abolish electoral college in favor of representational model
growth of gun violence
how we count employment
AI understanding people with an accents/culturally sensitive AI #
Bose sleep aid -- comfortable to wear for hours #
can understand anyone talking anywhere?
degree commodification
more people getting education #
1: purpose of education to solve crisis of planet not just for economic capitalist growth = shift in reason for education #
interdisciplinary medical teams
2: higher ed like newspapers. Harvard/MITs will endure. #
education gets free, but poor affected because have to pay to get licensed
testing will not go away unless start sorting earlier because of big data #
decline of arts/literature/non-monetizable fields
resurgence of trade professions
corporate owning medical education #
demise of public education #
amount of time not on screen rather than on screen
genomics predicting learning difficulties; success (potentially used in a discriminatory way) #
technology making education more global
recrafting education as people are 24/7 available with rich information to increase critical thinking?
intelligence based on race
algorithmic bias #
more diverse opportunities in classroom
increase demand in bilingual education with more polylingual kids
3: more males gaming
gender bias with exposure to certain information?
renurturing of (indigenous) language for health purposes?
4: increasing personalization of education, learn what you want to learn
impact on brain development and social/emotion dvpt
affect of gaming on moral formation and identity formation
effect on democracy?
1: teaching kids becomes cool because of tech
2: augmented reality makes teaching while just living possible
US doesn't attract best and brightest anymore
journalists kinda putting their feelings into piece #
ubiquitous drones monitoring us so we feel like we know the news
increased echo chambers in (earbud tech/drone)
"things" identified sooner
false confidence #
layperson journalist/pundits
NJ at state level allocating funding for local
LA Times floating govt bonds for buyout
deep fake videos
ground truth of evidence
industry to nullify fake news
evolution of censorship
advertising bots/filter bubbles #
all media comes with trigger warning
2: inappropriate advertising for kids
what becomes "objective" with big data
algorithms refine/customize what you read #
FB did that to increase clicks -- business case
paper media subculture #
rise of byte-sized news #
rise of trolls #
trollish behavior on the news side #
politically-aligned news outet --> relation to democracy
augmented reality + location based news #
science of shaming
reading level -- more people read more complex ideas
virtual reality news
too many links?
Cambridge analytica using HP house polls
subliminal news #
for social movements, #MeToo
civic journalism
investigative journalism
alternative revenue models? #
journalists as gig workers
demand aggregation/crowd funding
utne reader
alternates to capitalism -> socialism/new #
alternatives to corporate culture/consumerism
shift of economic centers from coast to middle of country
increased economic disparities
impact of AI/tech is disproportionate on certain industries
what's under-valued no valuable e.g. plumbers
greater privatization of govt. services #
private funding of public goods #
new private funders make non-profit sector obsolete
growing crisis of service jobs
gig economy #
health care as growing sector #
entrepreneurship growing b/c of global changes #
increase in medical tourism #
increase in corporations valuing workers' health
externalities of capitalism harm economy/society
new metrics for wealth of nation (beyond GDP)
women + minorities move into jobs that become commoditized
persistent inequality #
new currency
intergenerational transfer of wealth
decreased resiliency from housing + economic crises
growing green jobs
reclaiming our relationship with land
work places increase diversity #
flexibility of work structure (9-5)
decrease digital divide
current office space reclaimed
housing prices decrease #
climate change induced migation