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Current Affairs- July- Topic List MindMap for Revision (17th July- 23rd…
Current Affairs- July- Topic List MindMap for Revision (17th July- 23rd July)
Polity & Governance
Government Schemes, Governance
SAFAR System
What is it?
Developed By?
Important Features
Permanent Commission for Denotified, Semi-Nomadic and Nomadic Tribes
Idate Panel
Recommendations of the Panel
Who are Denotified Tribes?
Who are Semi-Nomadic Tribes?
Who are nomadic Tribes?
Child Custody Disputes
Government's intention for a mediation cell to resolve Child Custody Disputes arising out of transnational marital discord
What is it?
When was it established?
Under Which Ministry?
Who is a child according to CPCR Act, 2005?
SC/ST Atrocities Act
Recent SC Judgement on the Act
Issues with the judgement
NCSC, NCST, NCBC - What are these commissions? Mandate? Constitutional Status? When were they established?
Art 338, 338A
Reform Agricultural Marketing Systems to address farm distress
Present Food Policy Regime
Methodology adopted to hike MSP
What does it mean for distressed farmers?
MSP Hike & its Utility
Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill, 2017
Major Provisions
International Efforts for Road Safety
UN Road Safety Fund
Cabinet relaxes NELP, Pre-NELP, Pact Rule
Key decisions
Comparison of NELP, HELP
Central Adoption Resource Authority (CARA)
What is it?
Under which ministry?
Hague Convention
What is it?
Is India a signatory? If not, why not?
Net Neutrality approval by TRA
What is net neutrality?
Why is it important?
Section-377, IPC
What is it about?
Why is its validity being debated?
Activists Oppose Draft Anti-Trafficking Bill
Trafficking of Persons (Prevention, Protection & Rehabilitation) Bill, 2018
- Major Provisions
RTI (Amendment) Bill
What it intends to do?
Health, Education, HRD
Rent-a-Lab (SRIMAN) Policy
What is it? Why this initiative?
Salient Features of the Policy
SAMAGRA Shiksha Scheme
What is it?
Major interventions under the scheme
Major Features
National Resource Centres
for preparing online training material
What is it?
Pandit Madan Mohan Malviya Mission on Teachers and Training
3 in 5 HIV carriers now have access to drugs: UN
HIV- Important Facts
Anit-Retroviral Therapy
Government Initiatives to tackle HIV
UN 90-90-90 Goal against HIV
Bill to abolish No Detention Policy passed in LS
What is No Detention Policy? When and why was it introduced?
Issues with No-Detention Policy
No Confidence Motion
What is it? Does it find a mention in Constitution? Where can it be introduced?
Condition for a no confidence motion to be introduced in the Parliament
Conditions for a No confidence to get passed
Consequences of passage of no-confidence motion
When was no-confidence motion moved into the LS for the first time? Since then, how many times has it been moved? Has it ever gotten passed?If yes, When?
Prelims Specific
Army to get Artillery Guns from Sept.
What is it?
What is it?
Newest Phase in Earth's History named after Meghalaya Rock
What is Meghalayan Age?
Uniqueness of this age
IUGS Findings
What is IUGS?
International Commissions by IUGS
Formaldehyde in fish in several states
What is formaldehyde? Major properties
Concerns/Health effects of Formaldehyde in fish
IAF Participation in Ex Pitch Black
What is Ex Pitch Black?
How often does India participate in Ex Pitch Black
Frequency of the exercise
Nelson Mandela's Legacy; 100th Birth Anniversary
Some major points about Nelson Mandela and his struggle against Apartheid in South Africa
What is apartheid?
Art & Culture
Thotlakonda Site
What is it?
When was it discovered?
Some important points about it
India's first Islamic Art Gallery soon
Objects to be housed
Sabrimala Temple Bar unreasonable: SC
What was the norm?
Important Facts about Sabrimala Temple; location, major festival of the temple
Adopt a Heritage Scheme
What is it?
Under which ministry and implementing agency?
Concerns raised
Blood Moon
What is it?
Lunar Eclipse
Solar Eclipse
What is Reyleigh Scattering?
12 new moons discovered around Jupiter
Satellites of Planets of the Solar System
Some important NASA Missions to study moons of Planets
Predicting Solar Flares
What are Solar Flares?
How can they be predicted?
What are sunspots and how are they related to satellites?
What does Plasma material explain?
Global Oscillation Network Group
Science & Technology
IISc Researchers find Cholesterol helps bacteria toxin kill cells
What is Cholesterol?
Which toxin does cholesterol help in stabilizing? Major Properties of the toxin
National Moth Week
What is it?
When and where was it initiated?
How many nations record moth population? Does India record?
What are moths? Do moths and Butterflies belong to the same order of insects? Why and how are moths important for the ecology and environment?
What is it?
Ganga Vriksharopan Abhiyaan
What is it?
Forest Interventions in Ganga
Fighting Global Warming, one cow belch at a time
Contribution of livestock in GHG emissions
Global Research Alliance
Measures taken in India, FAO, Global Measures
India to expand Polar Research to Arctic as well
NCAOR, NCPOR; its mandate
Arctic Council; What is it? Members? Is India a member?
India's Mission on Antarctic & Arctic
Care About Corals
Australia's Great Barrier Reef
Major characteristics of the reef
Recent environmental concerns
What are corals? What is their significance?
What is it?
Hazards of Petcoke
Is it banned in India? Where does India import Pet-coke from?
Student Police Cadet Programme
What is it? Why was it introduced?
Focuses on which category of students?
Some important features of the programme
Malnourished Children Under-reported in Odisha
What is Severe Acute Malnutrition
How is SAM measured?
Concerns regarding reporting of SAM in Odisha
Role of Social Media in affecting internal security
Concerns and its role in affecting internal security and recent cases of mob lynchings
Steps that must be taken by government to ensure control on lynching
Steps by WhatsApp to curb the spread of fake news and rumors
National Database for Gun License Holders
What are the new rules?
International Relations
BRICS news portal soon
What is BRICS? It's history and its importance
Cape Town Declaration
Why this media forum?
Isreal adopts Jewish Nation Law
What is it?
Does Isreal have a written constitution?
Criticism of the Law
Other Major Laws passed by Isreal
India-Iran Ties
Chabahar Port
Oil Import from Iran
History and Future of ties with Iran; JCPOA- Agreement clauses
US Prez-Russian Leader Summit
Contentious Issues
Way Forward
World Customs Organization
Why in news?
What is World Customs Organization?
HQ, Members, Mandate of WCO
International Atomic Energy Agency
What is it? When was it constituted?
Major Initiatives- PUI, LEU Bank, N-Data Services
Major Programs- PACT, Water Availability Enhancement Programme, Human Health Program, International Project on Innovative N-Reactors & fuel cycles, 2000
Faster VISAs for Minorities from 3 nations
LTV Process to minorities from Pak, Afg & Bangladesh
When was this facility first introduced?
Fugitive Economic Offenders
Major Provisions of the bill
Concerns/Issues regarding the Bill
Benefits of Passage of the bill
Electric Vehicles have the potential to fuel India's growth
Benefits of opting for EV
India's efforts towards EV adoption
India's Vulnerabilities
Way Forward
Solar Import Duties to drive cost; local firms may not gain
What is Directorate General of Trade Remedies?
Positive of imposing import duty on solar component imports
Concern with the decision
Government doubles duty on over 50 textile items
Reason behind the move
Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs
What is it?
Benefits of FASTags
Developed by?
Prompt Corrective Action Guidelines of RBI
What is it?
When is it invoked?
Types of Sanctions u/d it
parameters inviting corrective action