What will make Kognitive More Successful
How can Kogntive be (more) successful in outsource sales services?
How can Kogntive create new revenue streams?
What is success for outsource sales services for Kognitive? (R)
What is the positioning in the outsource sales services? (Slide 6)
What is the total addressable market, total serviceable market and the target market?
Where are the next geographical markets that Kognitive will be expanding to?
What other verticals can Kognitive expand to?
Is rise of loyalty program an immediate threat to face to face credit card business sales of Kognitive?
To verify whether cell phone sales market is a viable proposition (not saturated)
Does the data acquired from new loyalty program reduce the cost of acquisition for credit cards?
Does Canadian tire issue credit cards to collect customer data or Canadian tire makes money from selling the credit card?
Who are Kongitive customers in the outsource sales services? (Slide 10)
Who are the End Users (e.g. those who are buying the cellphone and credit cards?
Who are the clients? (e.g. PC, Canadian tire, BMO)
Why they chose Kognitive over other companies?
Why isn't David pursuing loyalty cards? #
Is there a market for Kognitve's Workforce Management product?
Who are potential Kongitive customers in the WFM industry? (Slide 11)
What are the characteristics of WFM industry? (Slide 7)
What is the total addressable market, total serviceable market and the target market?
What are Kognitive's key competitors in outsource sales? (Slide 8)
How does Kognitive Revenue stack up against its competitors?
What are gross profit margins of these competitors?
What are the competitors in the WFM? (Slide 9)
What are the gross profit margin of the competitors?
Why bigger players haven’t provided this WFM service/product to their customers?
How does Kognitive Revenue model stack up against its competitors?
What is the financial health of Kogntitive? (slide 3)
How does 2018 financial look like?
What is the $1.6M unaccounted debt?
What caused the increase in Revenue in 2018?
How does creating these new companies help Kogntitive be more successful? (Slide 1)
What is work in progress?
How can Kognititve Fund its new WFM venture? #
Are Government grants are indeed “matching grants”? (Slide 3)
How is revenue calculated for marketing sales services?
What are the margins for different credit cards?
How many cards they sell for each client
What is Kogntive's competitive advantage? (Slide 4)
How do Kognitive generate Revenue? Contracts? Certainty of revenue?
What are the metrics of success in outsourced sales?
How does Kognitive differentiate itself from competitors?
Obtain a detailed breakdown of their sales / salary expense / profit per customer / current cash position
Obtain a detailed breakdown of their sales / salary expense / profit per customer / current cash position #
How good is Kogntive in providing outsource sales services?
How effective is the organizational Structure today?
What is the detailed organization structure for the sales staff? how many tier of staff do they have? (Slide 4)
Are big players such SalesForce/Amazon relevant competitors already have what Kognitive is about to launch as WFM? SalesForce/other competitors have a huge competitive advantage
what does the competitive landscape look like in 12-24 months? How will he future proof this?
what does the competitive landscape look like in 12-24 months? How will he future proof this?
How is the employee retention ?Do employees quit or are they fired?(Slide 1)
What are the short term and long term objectives of Kognitive?
What is the history?
Why he started outsourced sales in the first place? (slide 1)
Is there a political reason behind the multiple presidency at Kognitive?
Why did they replace accountants in 2017?
Was there a issue when former partners left?
Why is Kognitive launching a WFM product? (Slide 1)
What is the product road map? (which features are gonna released when) (Slide 1)
What is the roadmap for the AI enabled scheduling module?
What's the cost of building the first version?
What is the benefit? Are there synergies?
Beyond just titles what are these new presidents actually doing in terms of strategy and the company moving forward?
What is Kognitive's competitive advantage in WFM? (Slide 1)
Would Kognitive customer's (e.g. Walmart) allow Kognitive to use the data for other customers?
What are all the inputs to the AI enabled scheduling model?
What is the competitive advantage comparing to big vendor say Amazon. How the internal database be competitive and apply to way larger size client?
How is Kognitive's Culture? (Slide 1)
What's the plan for scaling up the business?
What are the funding sources?
Did the WFM contribute significantly to the revenue increase? (Slide 1)
How many of the current clients are chosen based on outsourced sales services with measurable outputs?
What date (year and month) did the partnership broke? Did the revenues drop before or after the partners left?
What is the distribution model for WFM? either in house professional services or VARs (Value added resellers) or similar digital channel.(Slide1)
Why do clients pay for these services?
What are the characteristics of credit card customers?
How frequent would people replace their credit cards?
Who is potential customer
Why do people acquire new credit cards?
Is there a patent?
What is their definition of workforce management ? (Slide 1)
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