Purchases & Payments: Internal Controls

Ordering department


Production delays

Loss of potential sales

Customer dissatisfaction

Unauthorised requisitioning of raw materials

Incorrect items ordered

Failure to identify need to purchase

Control Procedures

Requisition/order should be authorised by senior staff member

Copy of requisition filed in numerical sequence in requisition dept.

Order cross-referenced to requisition

Inappropriate suppliers/prices



Items not ordered are accepted/recorded as inventory

Items received are stolen after being recorded as inventory

Goods are received but not recorded

Goods of inferior quality or damaged goods are accepted

Quantities received are inaccurately recorded on GRN


Receiving dept. provided w/ copy of POs

GRN made out only for items accepted

Receiving clerks checks description & quantity

Test of condition

Obtain signature of supplier delivery staff to all alterations of SDN

Warehouse clerk performs similar controls

Recording of purchases


Fictitious purchases recorded in acc records

Purchases are erroneously duplicated

Amts on invoices are inaccurately recorded

Goods received but purchase not recorded


Creditors clerk matches the invoice sent by supplier to corresponding GRN, DN & PO

Creditors clerk reperforms casts, extensions & calculations

Clerk signs invoice

Another employee ensures timely & accurate recording in records

Monthy reconciliations, reviewed by senior staff member

Payment Preperation


Amts prepared for pmt are incorrect

Fictitious suppliers identified for pmt

Duplicated/fictitious invoices

Loss of pmt discount


Unissued cheque books subject to strict stationery controls

Checque book issued in numerical sequence

2 senior staff sign for cheque

Cheque signatories to cancel supporting docs

Cheques made difficult to tamper

Cancel incorrect cheques

Payment & Recording

Pmts not made ito pmt docs prepared

Suppliers are paid but are not on pmt schedule

Amts paid do not agree w/ amts prepared

Pmts incorrectly recorded

Fictitious pmts

Cheques recorded in numerical sequence in CPJ

CPJ reviewed regualarly by senior staff for missing cheeques or unusuual pmts
