Service Innovation Lab Work Delivered 2017-18 Financial Year
Proactive entitlements
Emerging technology and futures research
Reusable components
Community and industry engagement
Capability uplift
Life Event based services
Turning 65
Exploring user needs of 55-70 year olds (discovery work)
Analysis of existing user research (blog and datavis)
Future state modes of govt service delivery (prototyping)
Rates Rebates
Service Discovery Report (report)
All blogs (blogs)
Moving into Alpha blog
The MVP/Alpha for testing (Alpha) ✅
Special guest speakers
Liam Maxwell - UK National Tech Advisor (May 2017)
Lessons on collaboration (blog by Michelle Edgerley)
Service Innovation Toolkit (wiki) ✅
Reverse engineering the future (exploratory blog) ✅
MSD's Digital Transformation journey (case study)
Transitioning to Tertiary Education
Early design spring outputs (pre-discovery)
Services Register/Finder
Early research (blog)
Why I took time on secondment (blog by Jennifer Geard)
Another view on the Design Sprint (blog by Beth Davies)
Emerging tech events
Let's chat about emerging tech (with guests from US and UK)
Legislation as code and better rules
Better Rules Discovery Report (report)
OpenFisca for legislation as code (Alpha) ✅
Better Rules Hackathon (Wellington)
Measurement (Lab, MPI, Whare Hauora, Help4U, MSL)
LabPlus: Live it and breathe it (Grace Kim, grad)
Virtual & Augmented Reality (Callaghan Innovation, AWE, Lab, WCC, Te Papa, Show How)
Exploring Optimistic Futures (50 year VR experience) ✅
Service Register 1.0: Family Services Directory (API enabled) ✅
Victim of Crime
Introducing the Victim of Crime life event (blog by Emma Martin)
APIs for Service Delivery (GCDO, National Library, MBIE, Kiwi Hub, Media Suite, Scuttlebutt, Lab)
Third party service delivery
Exploring API Security (blog and needs analysis)
Design sprints, game design & govt (by Hazel Bradshaw)
Lessons from a French State Incubator - Matti Schneider
Connecting with innovation labs (Auckland & Tauranga trip)
Service design nitty gritty (blog)
Artificial Intelligence and what feeds it (AI Forum, FaceMe, Callaghan Innovation, CitizenAI, StatsNZ, Lab)
Entering Tertiary Discovery Report (publication)
Services Near Me (based on services register) ✅
Financial Help (based on legislation as code) ✅
Community Services Card
Strawman based on previous user research (prototype)
Deidentified Service Analytics Evidence Base (experimental)
Exploratory POC report (report)
Mobile search tool for family services (reusable code) ✅
Renting a Property (MBIE/HC)
Life event discovery (report to be published)
Notice of Sale (early discovery with Councils)