Shock causes the cardiovascular system to fail to perfuse the tissues effectively, resulting in an extensive damage to cellular metabolism. Due to tissue perfusion being disrupted by any factor that changes heart function, blood volume or BP. Shock has various causes and clinical appearances. However, a cruel cycle is subsequent to the progression of shock to organ failure and death, unless a mechanism compensates to reverse the progression or clinical intervention is successful. If shock is untreated, it becomes severe which results in the body’s mechanism to compensate, through positive feedback loops that maintain initiate a downward physiological slope.
Cariogenic Shock
Cardiogenic shock is defined as the decreases cardiac output and the clinical myocardial dysfunction and tissue hypoxia in the presence of acute intravascular volume, generally, most incidences follow with acute myocardial infarction .
Hypovolaemic Shock
Hypovolaemic shock is the loss of fluid volume, from either blood, plasma, or interstitial fluid, the shock begins to develop when the volume has decreased by 15%
Obstructive Shock Physical obstruction inhibiting the filling or outflow of blood causing a decreased cardiac output
Signs & symptoms
Pallor, cool clammy skin,
Stages of shock
Compensatory Stage
The body activates neural, hormonal and biochemical compensatory mechanisms in order to overcome the increasing consequences of anaerobic metabilism to maintain homeostasis.