Zero Budget Natural Farming(ZBNF)

By subhash Palekar

4 pillars

  1. Jeevamrutha
    -fermented microbial culture
    -acts a catalytic agent that improves activity of micro-organisms and earthworm
    -Prevents fungal and bacterial diseases
  1. Bijamritha
    -its a treatment for seeds, seedlings, plan
    -protects plants from plant borne diseases
  1. Mulching
    -No tilling, topsoil protection
    -promotes aeration and water retention in soil
    -straw material, dried biomass forms humus
    -aids in crop rotation

-Roots need water vapour
-Hence irrigation in alternate furrows, reducing water requirement

Additional aspects

Intercropping: Zero budget doesnt mean farmer will have no costs, instead he will be compensated from other crop

Contour and bunds: water conservation

Cow dung from Indian cows most beneficial

I/p cost are zero as no fertiliser are used
profits: high yields and lower inputs

Drought and flood resistant

Reduced water& electricity usage, improved farmers health, flourishing of local eco system,



Form of regerative agriculture

Will aid in times of variability in monsoon and declining groundwater conditions

In accordance with SDGs: climate resilience, health , nutrition, environ protection

Organic farming: how different?

Involves manure, vermicompost, for purchase--> again expensive for the farmer

difficult to change farmer's mindset

Training on these lines needed