KI KM: 'urban planning has two elements: 1) growth of people, and 2) service provision. As cities grow needs increase, and there is particularly a need for land. There is a question of how to improve markets and regulate prices of markets/land etc. There is a concern to make/provide infrastructure i.e. roads, schools etc. For example FY17/18 8mn was provided to primary and 7mn to secondary to ensure fee-free basic education, and also cars are provided to keep the city clean and take rubbish to the dump, this is the responsibility of the Municipality. In FY18/19 the budget has allocated money for roads, cleaning of the city (2.7bn), and areas such as beaches (14.1bn provided). Infrastructure of markets will be improved, roads and businesses continue to be linked (for example: Makumbusho market and stand, Magomeni, Makaya and Tandela Market, Msasani fish market and new road, Bunju B new stand and market, and more). Infrastructure is being linked to business opportunities and markets. The municipality is working to ensure demand is met by supply of services and infrastructure, through the planning process.'